"Hey are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah I'm okay, thanks" she said,

"Go hide to the safe place first" I said she immediately complied,

I proceeded to where the other hostages are held, I roll to the nearest table where the hostages are and approached them and motioned them to keep quiet, they nodded.

I checked the that are on their chest, thankfully its not the bomb with timer, its a C4 bomb and will only explode if detonated.

Luckily I studied how to deactivate any bombs in the spy academy, Its still fresh in my mind because I just studied that last summer at camp.

I get my pliers then get to work, I cut the chords and wires, then the bomb is already deactivated.

I'm so thankful that I still remember the right procedure.

"What's taking them so long?" Their leader asked

"I don't know, I'll go and check" the other one said then go to the others, I must move fast, any minute now they will discover that I'm here,

One them go near the table and I take the chance to tranquilized him, before he fell I catch him on time and dragged him behind the table.

"Damn it!!" The leader said impatiently,

Then I saw the one who checked there company before he can speak I tranquilized him then fell with a thud, that caught the attention of the leader.

"Who's there?" He asked

"Who is there dammit!" He asked

He laughed to himself I just stay where I am,

"I'm not afraid of you, see this? The people who is right here will die" he said while laughing, wow this man is insane,

"Sir ahh!" His last friend screamed as he fell,

"Ha! You think I am a wimp, I'm not like that fools" he said

Then I decided to show up,

"Who are you?" He asked,

"None of you concern, let go of this people, surrender now your surrounded " I said

He laughed, "over my dead body, I will never surrender!" He said then charged at me, he threw a punch and it hit me, wow that was one strong punch, I wobbled a bit and managed to dodge the next punch,

I get my baton and hit him with it on the head but it seems like his not affected, he kicked me on the stomach and I fell down on my knees gasping for air, he laughed.

"Acting hero eh? You thought you can easily beat me? Your wrong" he told me then kicked me again and sent me flying to the wall,

Ouch that really hurt, he is goin on my direction again,

"Next time if you want to interfere and act like a hero, check first who will you face first" he said then I suddenly punched him square in the jaw that caught him off guards and fell down on his back,

"Then don't underestimate me, because I might be same as you" I said while punching him in the face, he throw a punch but I dodged it, his mask is soaked I guess its his blood, then I stood up and kicked him on the stomach multiple times,

He is curling on the floor because of the pain, serves him right.

I turn my back to him and decided to check on the victims,

Then bang! A gun shot was heard that maybe alert the authority because they taught that the hostage taker killed one of the victims. I felt a stinging pain on my right arm, thankfully its just a cut because he missed.

"Never turn your back on a fight" he said

I turn around and he is holding the detonator,

"No one will survive if I press this button" he pressed the button and then no explosion was heard, he pressed it again multiple times then became frustrated.

"Ugh! Screw this!" He throw the detonator.

"As you were saying?" I asked "and thanks for your friendly advice" I said then shoot the taser gun, he shook violently then became paralyzed.

My right arm is bleeding now, I approached the victims and freed them.

"Thank you so much for saving us, it means a lot" the people said

"No problem" I told them,

I gathered the seven hostagetakers and tied them in one,

"Oh no your hurt" the other one said.

"Its fine really, I'm happy to help" I assured her,

"Thanks ninja for saving us" they all said

I gave them a friendly salute, "hey now go out there and tell the authority about these street rats right here" I instructed them

They get out of the building and I took that chance to scram, I go to my rover and drived quickly, I arrived at the venue and limped my way to my bus, big rob is shocked to see me,

"What happened to you?" He asked then helped me to sit on the chair and he get the first aid kit.

I take off my arm guards and gloves then my vest and and hoodie.

Big Rob perform the first aid, after he finished cleaning my cuts, I changed into some comfortable clothes.

"Thank you Rob" I thanked him,

"Just be careful next time Y/N" he said to me,

"Will do Rob" I said with a smile.

I get my gray hoodie and skateboard, because I got bored.

After 10 minutes of skating I saw the fifth harmony girls coming on my way.

"Yo dawg how are you?" Dinah asked me,

"I'm fine how about you?" I asked them then face them, the smile on their face is replaced by shock and concern,

Oh yeah I forgot about the bruise on my face, I mentally facepalm myself,
"What happened to your face" Ally asked concern, aww she really is a ball of sunshine

"Uhm.. Ah...I fell during doing tricks on my skateboard" I told her,

"Dawg! Your arm is bleeding" Dinah suddenly said, I stare at my arm, it really is bleeding.

Then someone held my hand and tugged me inside their bus, I felt the electricity running through my body.

"Stay there" that husky voice, that familiar husky voice,

She took off my hoodie and raise the sleeve of my shirt, then clean my cut,

I am just staring at her fondly as she clean my cut with gentleness and care.

The simple crush I felt for her grew bigger, I know that I'm already falling in love for Lauren Jauregui.


Sorry I haven't updated for the past three days, I've been busy doing school works, so here it is a long update for you all ^_^

Your Hero (Lauren/you)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora