We ran out to the field as best we could while wearing heels, and finally made it to the bleachers right as the boys made it to the field.  I watched them warm up, my thoughts anywhere but the boys, but as soon as their tourney practice started, I pulled out my book and started to read about the history of Auradon.

"Oh my gosh, do you see Ben and Chad!  I love watching them play!"  Lonnie squealed and kept her eyes glued to them.

"Yeah, sure, they're great."  I mumbled and kept my eyes glued to the book pages.

After practice, Lonnie ran up to talk to Audrey, unsuccessfully convincing her to break up with Ben.  Audrey wouldn't give up her chance at being queen of Auradon.  I stayed on the bleachers and continued reading my book.

"You're a bit of a loner, aren't you?"  I heard someone ask, and I glanced up to see Carlos staring down at me, an amused smile spread across his face.

"People in books are better than those in real life."  I responded and returned my gaze to my book.  I don't know why I was still so hurt about yesterday, I just couldn't change anything about my feelings.  And that frustrated me to no ends.

"You remind me of someone.  I just don't know who."

"Belle?  As far as I know, she was one of the only intelligent princesses, the only princess who reads.  Even my aunt was a sucker for looks."  I paused and looked up at Carlos, returning his amused smile, "Too bad I didn't inherit that, huh?"

"Sassy, I like that."  Carlos sat beside me and tried to read my book, majorly invading my personal space while doing so.  I scooted over a bit, putting some distance between us.  He closed that before I even fully sat down again.

"Can I help you?  Or should I give you a close up view of the ground instead?"  I sighed and closed my book, since I obviously wasn't going to get any more reading done with him breathing down my neck.

"Are you sure you aren't from the island?"  He asked suddenly.  I just looked at him with confused eyes.

"Yeah I'm sure.  I've only visited.  Why?"

"It's just, you talk like we do, you're not like a normal princess.  In fact, you act more like a villain on the island, Hans, than your own mother."  Does he really want me to freeze him?

I just rolled my eyes, grabbed my book and purse, and walked off.  I headed for the maze behind the school, and hoped he wouldn't follow me.  I walked in and out of dead ends and found myself lost in the maze.  I've been in this maze hundreds of times, I would eventually find my way out.

I sat on a bench in the corner of a dead end and a way out, and played with my snowflakes.  I relaxed as ice and snow floated above my hands, a red and purple hint against the white.  I admired the coloring of the snow and ice, loving how my power reflected my emotions.

"Woah!  How can you do that?"  My hands shot out in front of me and almost hit whoever just talked in the head.  Carlos jumped out of the way just as the ice whizzed past his head and hit the hedge behind him.

"My God, Carlos, you almost made me curse you!"  I said, taking a long hard look at the dalmatian boy standing in front of me.  His bewildered look was almost laughable, but I was too emotional to find it anything other than annoying.  "How'd you find me?"

"My moms Cruella De Vil, she's an expert on those rabid pack animals you crazy Auradons call dogs, she trained me to hunt like one.  Duh."  Carlos came and sat next to me, again.

"So you hunted me like prey?  Is that how you get all the girls?"  I chuckled and stood up.  I was about to leave when Carlos grabbed my hand and turned me around.  "What?"

"Why do you keep walking away from me?"

"Is the spoiled Lost Child not used to not getting what he wants?  I don't want anything to do with you!"  I yanked my hand out of his and continued walking out of the maze, trying my best to lose him.

"What's your deal?"  He spun me around again, and I threw ice past his head.  I made my hand so cold that it could have frozen Carlos' hand if he hadn't let go of mine and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Touch me again, and I'll hit you in the head.  Or heart, whichever hurts more."  I walked as fast as I could to get off campus.  I needed to talk to my mother, she would know how to help me.

My hands messed with the snowflake necklace hanging from my neck, my emotions threatening to take over.  I walked past every tree and bush, each step causing me to worry more and more about whatever was happening.

My mother's castle finally came into view, the tower that held my bedroom the first tower I saw.  I started to walk faster up the steps to the main doors of the castle.  I walked past the guards, and through the corridors to my mother's study.  I knocked three times, then decided I didn't want to wait, so I just walked right in.

"Mom, I really need your help with--"  I was cut short when I noticed a stranger with bright red hair facing me, a smug smile on his face.  I looked behind him to my mother, noticing her angry stance and the snow flurries floating around her.

"Ella, this is Hans.  Your..."  She trailed off, trying finish her sentence without exploding on anyone.

"My what, mom?"

"Your father."


I know, I suck.  I got really hung up with school work and trying to get my new house organized. (Yeah, I moved to a different state, I'm kind of a nervous wreck)  I really appreciate your patience, and I love you all so much.  <3

Falling for the De Vil || Carlos De Vil *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now