I finally wore my all black converse and I was ready to go.

Kind of

I picked up my black school bag before walking out of my room grabbing my room key and locking my door . I quietly descended down the stairs before reaching the bottom of the staircase. I made my way towards the kitchen.

I picked up beer bottles on my way towards the kitchen along with cans, pizza boxes and what not. I placed them all into the rubbish bin before washing my hands.

Walking towards the cupboard I opened it so I could get three cereal bars.I quickly ate one before putting the other ones inside my bag.

Walking over to the fridge I took out a plate full of pancakes, which my uncle would eat for breakfast. Warming it in the microwave, I placed it on the table before running upstairs to my bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth before racing out of the house since it was now 7:30. My uncle would be back in five more minutes.

I closed the door before locking it with my spare key.

Turning around I looked at the neighbourhood for a brief moment, before I began my short journey to school.

Let's just hope it goes well


I arrived at the school on time. Upon entering the school grounds I noticed the car park was filled with cars and teens talking amongst themselves completely ignoring my presence.


I walked through the parking lot head down avoiding eye contact with people, while swerving awkwardly through the crowds. I finally reached the daunting school entrance.

This is going to suck.

It's February, senior year and everyone already has their cliques, their friends and here I am coming in nearly halfway through the year.


I opened the double doors and as expected everyones eyes landed on me.


It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

I kept my head down glad that my hood was covering my some of my face, I was only halfway through the halls when the whispering and the pointing began.

I've become used to it now because my uncle and I usually have to move house all the time, and the fact that I have to go to a new school as well, it wasn't strange for the pointing and audible whispering to begin.

Too busy in my own thoughts I bumped into someone, I quietly muttered an apology before walking away, but of course this person just wanted to make a scene.

"Aye you the one in the red hoodie" it was obvious the guy was talking to me so I stopped mid-step before slowly turning around.

I raised an eyebrow at him but he obviously couldn't see it, since my hoodie clouded half of my face from anyone's view.

"Apologise" was all he said.

Was the guy deaf or something, I already apologised to him and I wasn't going to waste my time apologising to him again.

Boy bye

I turned around on my heels walking towards the schools main office, while ignoring the boy who was silently fuming.

The office wasn't too far away so it wasn't too hard to find , I walked into the office giving the lady a kind smile but my smile faltered when I realised she probably couldn't even see it.

"Hello miss...I'm Lana Ebony Pony Smith and I'm a new student to Ridgeson West High. I was wondering if I could have my schedule and locker combination please" I said.

Don't even ask why one of my middle names is Pony that is another story to tell.

She gave me a kind smile before typing into the computer, probably checking if my name is actually there and when she found it, she handed me a piece of paper with my schedule and locker combination and number on it.

I said a quiet thank you before walking out of the office at the exact same time the bell rang.

Great just great


So that was the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it
Lana is played by Ryan Destiny
I will be updating the next chapter soon
So please vote and comment what you think of the book so far

Under revision

Her Hoodie Where stories live. Discover now