Kodie and Niyah said a thanks as well.

Grandma: Oh no problem.

Billy: So how long are you guys in town?

Kodie: Um for three weeks , sir.

Billy: Oh okay. Well yall enjoy yall selves and I'll see yall tonight right?

Niyah: Definitely , sir.

Billy: Good.

Him and grandma Julie walked out and Niyah and London looked at me.

London: Where are we going tonight?

Kodie: Her aunt Ashley is having a get together.

Niyah: You knew?

Me: Yeah , I told her while teaching her how to ride a horse.

London: Oh. How was it?

Kodie: It was good actually.

London's eyes widened and she started coughing. Kodie started laughing and switched arms. She put the one closet to London on the table and the one at the end of the table under the table.

Me: Are you okay?

She nodded her head.

London: May I have something to drink please?

Me: Yeah.

I got up and grabbed a cup. I opened the fridge and poured some water.

Me: Here's some water.

She nodded her head.

London: Thanks.

Me: Mhm.

I looked at Niyah and she looking confused. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

Me: We'll be right back.

Kodie: Okay.

She started eating gain and I pulled Niyah out the back door and closed it behind us.

Me: What do you think that was about?

Niyah: I don't know , but I find it funny how Kodie put the arm closet to London on the table after London started coughing.

Me: Do you think she was fingering her or something?

Niyah looked away.

Niyah: Nah , ion think they'd do that to us.

Me: You sure?

Niyah: Nah , not really. Let's just play this out.

Me: Okay.

We went back in and they looked up then back down at their plate. We sat down and continued to eat.

-  -  -  - 
We went home and had gotten changed for Aunt Ashley's get together.

I was standing in the mirror applying the black lipstick. I put it up and walked out changing my phone case to a all black one with my name spelled out in real diamonds. I grabbed the keys to the Jeep since Uncle Billy wanted to borrow the truck , we got his 2016 Black Jeep Cherokee.

I walked out my room closing the door behind me and went downstairs. London was on the couch. Niyah and Kodie was still upstairs.

London: Hey , your grandma can cook really good.

Me: Mmm. Yeah I know.

London sat up and that's when I noticed she had on the shortest pair of shorts with a Red long sleeve and Red Vans.

The Dancer ( Stud & Fem )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora