One of the reasons that I was so unhappy was her. The bullies and their words haunted me late at night but even that wasn't anything compared to her. She made me feel small and worthless without even knowing it,Or maybe she did know it and just didn't care.

When I think of my childhood I don't think about playing with Barbies,Playing tag,And doing my makeup horribly. Instead I think of my father's death,My mother's taunting,And my bullies. Total unhappiness.

My only friend was Aymie. She was the only one that cared.

Even after my suicide attempt,Mom was cold and distant. She,As my mother,Made sure that I was okay and of coarse she was sad and upset. She spent hours crying by my bedside but she wasn't crying for me she was crying for herself.

'We're the joke of the neighborhood now.'

'How could I let this happen? I'll never live it down.'

'I wish this had never happened. I'd be at the hair salon or something,Not doing this.'

'Why aren't we normal? Why can't life be normal?'

She acted as if my mental illness affected her more than me,As most parents do I assume.

It's always,Oh it hurt me so bad to see her like that. I hate that she does this to herself. It makes me sick. I feel horrible,Me,me,me,I,I,I. They aren't the one's going through it. Why do they act like they are?

I roll my eyes to myself before huffing. If I think of her any longer I'll get angry and I don't want that. So I throw the covers off of me and shuffle towards my suitcase to find something to put on. Today is an off day,Since I'm not needed at the live show. Who know's what I'll get into.


When I got down to the lobby I was shocked to see that it was empty,Other than,Of coarse,Dean. I started walking,As quietly as I could but he turned his head and narrowed his eyes at me. I gulped as he started walking closer to me at a quick pace. I have no idea what I've done to him but I am not trying to find out.

"Come with me. Now." He mutters walking past me. His shoulder bumps into mine roughly as he passes and I gasp before speed walking to catch up to him. He presses the button to the elevator frantically before it finally opens and he grabs my wrist and pulls me inside.

As soon as the elevator doors close he pushes a button which makes the elevator stop. My breathing picks up slightly as I look around the small space nervously. This is a nightmare. I can't say I'm claustrophobic but small spaces aren't my best friends and elevators aren't either. Plus,Being in a small elevator with a big man who doesn't exactly like me seems like a bad thing to me.


"Stop." He snaps cutting me off.

I look at his narrowed grey eyes and let out a small,Shaky breath. This is like a horror movie. I always promised myself that I wouldn't be the first white girl to die in a horror movie but it seems that I will be. Where are the cameras?

He breathes heavily and rubs his hands over his face roughly before pacing around the small space.

"I...I'm sorry I pulled you in here." He grumbles. I raise my brows. He is not the apologetic type. "It's okay." I squeak out before letting out a hiccup. He only nods before turning to face me. His facial features seem to soften for a minute before they harden again.

"I just,I didn't know how to go about talking to you. We won't be in a car together again until Friday and seeing as it's Wednesday I just couldn't wait that long. I don't know your cell phone number or your room number and if I'd asked someone for it they probably would've called the fucking cops because they're all assholes who hate me." He rolls his eyes and I just nod slowly.

You get too close (Dean)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu