We arrive and I meet Meghan, Jenna, Taylor, and Adam at the front of the restaurant. "Happy birthday Nikky!" Meghan, Jenna, and Taylor say as they give me a hug. "Thank you!" I say. "Happy Birthday babe!" Adam says as as he kisses me. We chat for about a minute before mom and Justin come over.

"What took you so long?" I ask. "Sorry but we had to change Bella and get her seat out of the car." Mom says. "Okay well can we go eat?" I ask. "Yeah." Mom says.

We walk in and get a table. Then we order and the waiter takes our menus.

"Hey Nicole! Do you remember what happened when we were 10!" Meghan asks. Jenna, Taylor, and me give Meghan the 'shut up face'. Meghan looks away but before we can move to another subject, mom asks what happened. "Nothing." I say as I look away. "Tell me!" Mom says. "Nope." I say back. "Well if you want To go on that Hawaii trip, I suggest you tell me." Mom threatens me. I sigh and then I explain the story.

*flash back to when Nicole was 10*
"Hey guys! I just checked and my mom is asleep!" I say to Meghan, Jenna, and Taylor. "Ok let's watch a movie!" Jenna says. "I know what we can do!" I say. I go over to our tv and open a box with movies in it. "Mom never let's me watch these movies!" I say. "Why?" Taylor asks. "I'm not sure but when I ask to see them she refuses to let me watch them." I say. "Well let's watch one." Meghan says. We pick out the first we see. "Horrible bosses." I say as I read the box. "This doesn't seem bad." I say. And I point out my mom on the box. I put the movie in and press play. "This is boring! I don't understand why my mom won't let me watch this." I say. We watch it for a little while longer until we my mom. "Look it's my mom!" I say as I point at the tv. I little bit later mom comes back on. "EWW WHY IS YOUR MOM ALMOST NAKED!" Meghan says. We all cover our eyes. We watched the rest of the movie and have tons of questions. We didn't understand what most of it meant but we were grossed out that my mom was almost naked on my tv.
*end of flash back*

"Why didn't you tell me about that!" Mom says. "I didn't want you to know because I would get in trouble." I say. "Well I'm sorry for scaring you guys." Mom says. "It's okay." Mom says. We all nod and look away because this is very awkward.

"Well what else have you guys done?" Mom asks. "We we did sneak out that one time. But we came back." Taylor says. "What?!?" Mom asks. "When did you do that."

*flash back to when Nicole was 13*

"We are teens! We will be fine!" I say. "I'm not sure about this." Taylor says. "Your such a goodie goodie!" I say. "I'm in!" Meghan says. "So am I." Jenna says. "Okay I will do it." Taylor sighs. "My mom is asleep anyway. And this is what teens do!" I say as I try to warm Taylor up to the idea. We walk outside and plan our prank. "Okay we will run and kick those trash cans over. And Taylor will keep watch." I say. We all agree. We run around and kick all of our neighbors trash cans over. We come back over to Taylor who is scared to death."can we go back inside before we get caught?" I ask.  "Yeah." We all say.

*end of flash back*

"So that's why all the neighbors trash cans we kicked over except ours." Mom asks. "Yeah. We did it." I say. "I had to deal with all of the neighbors complaining to me about it. And it was you all this time?" Mom asks. "Yeah." I say again. "Wow you girls were good! I never would of expected you." Justin laughs. "Yeah. I guess we were pretty good!" I joke.

"What else happened?" Justin ask. "Um, oh remember my broken arm. I said I broke it in soccer but I broke it with them." Meghan says.

*flashback to when Nicole was 12*

"Guys come on! You will be fine!" I say as I climb out of the roof. "We are only one story up. So if we fall, we will be fine." I say not knowing what I'm talking about. We climb up to the top of the first story roof and try to see the sunset. "I can't see it to well!" Taylor says. "Let's climb to the top roof!" I say. We start to climb up when I hear a loud noise. I walk carefully over to the edge of the roof. I see that Meghan fell. "Oh my god! Meghan are you okay!" I yell. "I think I broke my arm!" Meghan says in between sobs. Mom isn't home and Meghan doesn't want to tell her mom because she knows she will be in major trouble. So we get off of the roof. I get an ice pack and we sit around trying to figure out a story to tell her mom. "What if we tell her that we were playing soccer and you slipped and fell. We all agree that that is good enough so we go back to her house and tell her mom. And sure enough her mom believes us and we go to the hospital.
*end of flash back*

"Where was Justin or I?" Mom asks. "You were both filming." I say. "Well I'm kinda happy that you made up that lie because I may have been in a lot of trouble." Mom says. We all laugh.

We all kinda break off into our own conversations and I end up with Adam. "I remember our first date." Adam says. "I remember it too." I say. Then he kisses me. "I love you!" Adam says. "I love you too and thanks for the flowers." I say. "Your welcome baby." He says back.

Our food comes soon after and I enjoy the rest of my birthday with my friends and family.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you to jgwiflyingpony and foreverafaniston for their help so far with my story. Love you guys 😘

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