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Google search: my beard just started growing a beard
I woke up at 5 in the morning to my phone ringing. I picked it up. It was Tyler. Oh no.
"RUBY HELP!" Tyler screamed.
"Wtf no."
"Please! 911 hung up on me!"
"Ugh fine."
I waited 3 hours before actually going over there because that required effort.
"Okay what do you want nerd?" I asked.
"My beard just started growing a beard and I don't know what to do!"
Tyler seriously needs to stop yelling for like 5 seconds.
"You don't have a beard."
"But... but no! I need help!" Tyler started crying.
I threw a mirror at him. "Look."
Tyler looked up and saw that he didn't actually have a beard. "This makes no sense! My nonexistant beard is growing a beard? What is happening to me?! There's just a beard floating a few centimeters from my face!"
"Wtf no, that's not the point I was trying to make! Ugh why do I live with these people?!" I then threw a duck in Tyler's face because reasons.
"You don't live with me though..."
"Shut up! I need more coffee!" I then ran away to go get more coffee.

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