Garnet x Reader

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[Y/N] Your Name
[Y/HC] Your Hair Color
[Y/FC] Your Favorite Color
[Y/SC] Your Skin Color
[Y/BD] Your Birthday Date
[Y/HS] Your Hair Style


Garnet x Reader

You sat on the beach staring at the clouds waiting for Crystal gems to come because you were a fan of their work but you adored Garnet. The waves were slow which calmed you down when suddenly you saw a gem come out the ocean. "Garnet" you said excitedly as you ran over to her about to have a fangasm. "Howdy" she said. After a minute of talking to her you saw Rose, Pearl, and Amethyst come out the ocean. Amethyst ran over to you lifting up your shirt and stealing it revealing [Y/SC]. "Hey get back here" you said chasing Amethyst. Amethyst threw it in the ocean. You sighed and walked back over to Garnet. "Do you happen to have an extra shirt" you said. "Here" Garnet said summoning a shirt that quotes "I'm always relaxed" you can wear mine until you get another one. "Thanks Garnet" you said looking at her face noticing that she was blushing. "What's your name" She replied. "I'm [Y/N]" you said. Amethyst came up behind you and began to brush your [Y/HC] hair. You turned around quickly and grabbed her before she could escape. "Their you go" you said as you stared into her eyes. "If being adorable was wrong you shouldn't want to be right" You said. She laughed as you put her down. Rose came up to you and you began to shaking hoping you won't fall out. "Oh my God, it Rose quartz" you said. "Hello" she said. "Rose you are my favorite crystal gem, other than garnet" you said. "Well thank you" she replied. You talked to them and let them know that it was [Y/BD] tommarow which was your birth date. They invited you back at 5:00 for your birthday. You went home and went to bed late hoping you woke up late.

You woke up at 12:00 am. "It's time" you yelled though the hallway probably waking up. You brushed your teeth and toke a 4 hour shower dressed up in a tux if your a boy or a dress if your a girl. You looked at the clock and saw it was 4:00. "Oh snap I'm going to be late" you quickly ran to the temple. "I'm here" you said. Garnet gave high five while Amethyst hugged you. Rose greeted you with a heart warming "hello". Pearl stood in the corner giving you the nasty eye everytime you talked to Rose. "Come in" Garnet said offering her hand. You grabbed it and looked at Garnet, she began to blush. "Garnet your blushing" you said. Garnet looked but didn't reply but you knew it was going to be an interesting day.
You and the Crystal gems had fun and did things like sky diving, racing, and more. You all was in front of the temple. "[Y/N] is that all you want to do for your birthday" Garnet asked before Rose could. "There is one more thing" you told Garnet. She nodded before you kissed her on the lip and ran off.

Garnet p.o.v

[Y/N] I yelled as I playfully chased her. She got away and I came back to the temple. "Looks like you got a girlfriend" Amethyst said. I blushed and walked back into my room. "She is cute and smart" I thought. "I hope she comes back soon" I said out loud before laying on your bed. "Today has been a crazy day" I said as I closed my eyes. "Maybe she can be my girlfriend" I thought before falling completely to sleep.
If you liked it plz request another story. Thank you

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