Chapter 11

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"OMIGOD!!" I shrieked, overreacting (just slightly) to the new message in my inbox.

"What the hell?" Devony sat up grumpily in bed. 

"Sorry," I apologized, not sounding contrite at all, and opened the email.

Dear Miss Flynn,

Thank you for your excellent test yesterday. I understand there was a lot of pressure on you, and that it was stressful riding a new mount during your testing. I have critiqued your ride and referred to the previous experience you described on your application. After much consideration, I would like to welcome you to the Intermediate riding team with Pippin as your regular mount.

I shrieked again.

As you remember from the riding meeting, your lesson mount is yours to care for during the school year. Attached is a schedule including AM and PM feeding times, Pippin's prescribed grain rations, turnout schedule, everything else you need to know. I also expect you to muck out his stall daily and to clean his tack. You will find lesson times on your handout from our meeting. You may also practice outside of lessons inside the barn. There is no jumping, trail riding, or any cross country activity without a partner.

Lastly, I am aware of the fact that you have not had a formal riding education up to this point. If you feel that anything in the Intermediate classes is beyond your skill level or that the class is too advanced, please let me know and I will refer you to the Beginner team. Safety is our first priority.

Thank you,

Mr.James Pine

I exhaled slowly.

"What is it?" Devony asked, getting up and walking over, her hair a frizzy halo.

"I made Intermediate!" I announced, smiling, but even as I said it the happiness began to fade.
Lauren and I are on the Advanced team.

Bri's taunt returned to my mind and suddenly Intermediate didn't seem like that great of an achievement.

"That's  fantastic!"

I grinned at Devony, but my mind was racing as I reread the email in my mind. If you feel that anything is beyond your skill level...I will refer you to the Beginner team..I couldn't let that happen. No way. I came here to be at the top, not to get bumped down, back to being a beginner. For a second I felt tense, wondering what Bri would think. Then I shook my head. Why would I care what she thought of me? Either way, I couldn't let myself be happy with Intermediate. I wouldn't be second. Second place is the first loser.

"So,we can meet up with Claire and get breakfast together again..."

I was only half listening to Devony. Pippin was "mine" now. I could put in all the extra practice I wanted by myself. And I would.

I slammed my laptop shut. I was not going to waste a second spent in the arena. Pippin and I were going to prove to Mr. Pine that Advanced was where we belonged.



Devony's face definitely darkened when Bri called to a tall dark haired boy and waved him over. I looked up as he approached our table, curious. He set down his tray next to hers and grinned at us, taking a seat. "Hey."

I smiled back, studying his face. Damn, he's hot.

"Hi." He had totally cliched blue eyes, the kind that were almost electric blue and transparent enough that you thought you could stare through them if you looked long enough. They looked amazing with his dark hair. The sleeves of Hayden's soft looking grey tee were just tight enough for anyone to tell he was toned. Out of the corner of my eye, I realized that Bri had totally noticed me checking him out. I looked away, blushing, and she smirked. 

Devony was staring at her tray and picking at her waffle on my left. I nudged her with my elbow. "You okay?" I asked under my breath. She nodded, keeping her gaze fixed on her tray. Shifting uncomfortably, I met Bri's gaze. 

"This is Hayden," she said. "He's on our team." The way she said it made it obvious that she was talking about herself and Lauren, who was staring openly at Hayden. Suddenly I felt shut out. Like Devony and I were the losers, intruding on the perfect trio. I blinked. Why did I care so much about being "accepted" by her?

"So..." Hayden was staring expectantly at me. It was actually really hard to look directly at him without feeling like my head was on fire. 


"What's your name?" 

"Uh, Britney. Flynn. I'm new. Um, obviously." I sounded like an idiot. 

"And you ride, or what?"

I cleared my throat and silently order my mouth to sound normal. "Yeah, I just tested onto the Intermediate team. "

"Cool. Maybe we could ride together sometime. Or we could hang out in the village, since you haven't been here long."

"The Village?" I asked, confused.

Bri waves her hand around vaguely. She looks annoyed. "Yeah, it's what everyone calls that little area, y'know, where they have shops. Starbucks and Forage and all that."

"Oh, Devony took me by the Starbucks the other day," I said, nodding. Devony glanced up like she just noticed we were there. 

"Hi," she greeted Hayden flatly. He frowned at her and didn't say anything. I couldn't help staring between them. What had happened between them, that they were so awkward with each other? Claire cleared her throat, trying to break the tension. "I really love Forage. It's just, like a tiny clothes store, but they also let you go downtown on weekends. I like shopping downtown too."

"Yeah," Bri added. "We should all go together sometime." She looked across at me, but it wasn't friendly-more like she was trying to stare me down. Oh, my God, what was her problem?

Hayden had obviously noticed, because he looked super uncomfortable. I took a long sip of my coffee. 

"I have to go," Hayden stood up abruptly. 

"There's still 15 minutes of breakfast!" Bri touched his arm. "Stay and talk."

I figeted. 

"No, I didn't do my homework for Bio last night. I have to go do it before class starts." 

He backed away from our table. "See you later, Britney."

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