Chapter 9

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My hand was shaking so hard I could barely put on my mascara.

Finally I set my elbow on the counter, steadying my arm, and managed to coat my lashes. Devony was fogging up the bathroom with a steaming hot shower. I glanced over my dark wash leggings, oversize white sweater, and caramel colored boots. My first-day-of-school outfit was pretty uncomplicated. It would have to be okay. Screwing my mascara shut, I walked out of the bathroom and let out a very undignified screech-grunt noise. "I'msonervousI'msonervous!"

Devony laughed as she got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom after me, wrapped in a towel. "It's just school. You're not going to die before homeroom."

I sighed. "Are you going to breakfast?"

Devony rummaged through the closet. "I'm gonna be awhile, you go without me. Maybe Claire will walk with you."

"Okay. See you there?"

"See ya."

I grabbed my heather gray backpack and pocketed my set of room keys, shutting the door behind me. As I walked, I ran my fingers through my hair-my telltale nervous tick. Maybe Claire would be in the common room. But she wasn't.

Lauren was.

"Hey," I greeted her casually and kept walking.

"Brittany!" She grinned and hopped off the couch just as Bri and Claire walked in. I flashed them a grin, trying not to look too freaked out.


I examined Claire. She looked kinda pale. Maybe it was just my imagination. She half smiled at me. "Hi."

Bri, on the other hand, looked around at us and offered a halfhearted smile. She looked impeccably dressed in a white v-neck tee tucked into a red miniskirt. A dainty gold necklace complemented her outfit and made her bulky backpack look slightly out of place. "Are we going to breakfast or not?"

"Yeah," I spoke up, finally. "Let's go, I'm starving."

I led the way out of the common room. I liked all hanging out with all of them-which put me in a awkward situation. Now there was drama and weirdness between all of us, the last thing I wanted. I mean, this was the first day of school and we were already creating drama.

Bri caught up to me. "So who've you met so far?"

I shrugged. "Just you guys, really."

She grinned dangerously. "I'll have to introduce you to everyone, then."


Cafeterias were almost always danger zones when everyone sat where they wanted to. Apparently, this rule didn't apply to Bri. She practically had a table reserved.

The breakfast lines were excellent-I got my order of French toast and black coffee before Lauren pulled me after Bri. "C'mon."

Bri easily navigated the cafeteria with her chin high, and walking after her, I was compelled to do the same.

I sat across her, Lauren beside her. A second later I felt guilty about Claire-she'd awkwardly followed us and sat next to me.

Bri sipped her coffee and glanced across to me. "What's your homeroom?"

"English with Streton." I'd memorized my schedule already.

She nodded. "You'll be with Lauren and Claire, then."

Devony filed in and sat on my other side. "Hey."

I tried to smile at her. "Soo..."

Claire laughed nervously. "Awkward silence."

She'd coaxed a smile out of Lauren and Bri, at least, easing the tension. Hopefully the rest of breakfast would go better.

It didn't.

I walked out of Algebra at 2:55 PM lugging a backpack stuffed with textbooks, homework packets, and my new homework planner. My hair was tousled and my head hurt. Yeah, I probably looked like a walking disaster.

I briefly pondered going back to the cafeteria for a pick me up, but I didn't know whether they sold in between meals.

"Hey! I finally got you without Bri around," Devony bounced over, grinning like crazy.

"What's up with you?" No one could be that excited after school.

"It's the first day of school! We survived! Aren't you excited?"

"Some had too much coffee," I laughed. "Actually, I was debating whether or not to go get some now."

"Oh, really?" I could practically see her ears perk up. "Have you been to the coffee place?"

"Nope. There's a coffee place here?"

"Yeah, we've got a Starbucks. Let's go!" Devony shot off. She blew through the doors of the school building like a tornado and ran out toward the library. I had to run to keep up with her.

I'd never been to the library before, but Devony hurried straight past it to a cozy little coffee shop I hadn't seen before. We had a Hyperion back home. This one was similar, just smaller. The bells above the door tinkled as Devony walked in, and I followed her into the warm interior of the shop.

Almost unconsciously, I pulled my iPod out of my pocket to check the time again. I didn't have to be at the stable until 4-it was 3:15 now.

"Hey, what do you want?" Devony touched my arm.

"Um, I'll take a salted caramel frappucchino." I fumbled for my ID card. Still seemed weird to me. Maybe coffee would be a bad idea.

I watched Devony walk toward the counter. Oh, whatever. I was exhausted. I'd be fine at my testing.


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