Chapter 8

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Hey guys..I've decided to start making chapters longer, because I've reached chapter 8 and there hasn't even been a riding lesson yet-what?!?! So, yeah...BTW, I am going to start dedicating all my chapters, starting now. Please take a moment to comment, vote, and follow if you liked it! I appreciate you all:)

The brunette girl-Lauren-stood in the wide wooden doorway staring after Bri. I hoped, prayed, that she'd run off, but instead the girl turned to me. With a jolt, I remembered Claire's warning that Lauren followed Bri everywhere.

"So. New girl, huh?" Her green eyes were piercing.

My fingers felt slick on the braided leather of the reins. "My name isn't 'New Girl', it's Brittany," I snapped back defiantly.

"Well, Brittany, maybe you'llexplain what you're doing with Brianna's horse." She crossed her arms and glared.

"And maybe first you'll explain why you're being such a jerk," I shot back. I snapped my mouth shut, wishing I could bite back my words. Maybe Mom was right-maybe I was too sassy for my own good.

Just maybe.

To my surprise, her expression suddenly softened. "You're right. I shouldn't have been so rude."

I tried not to gape at her sudden turnaround. "Um-I-uh, I'm...sorry...too."

She smiled. "So, what team are you on?"

"I don't know yet," I responded automatically. "I'll be tested soon."

"Well, when you find out when your testing is, tell me. Bri and I will be there."

I managed to nod. "Yeah, I'll let you know."

"Good." Flashing a smile over her shoulder, she sauntered out of the arena.

I took a moment to recover before I started to lead Kitty out of the arena. The well trained mare had stood quietly as we talked, and bobbed her head when I led her forward. I slipped off her bridle, replacing it with a leather halter. I clipped her in a set of crossties and she stood patiently in the aisle. I undid the girth and started to lift the saddle off of her back when a voice startled me.

I spun to find Devony staring at me incredulously."What are you doing with A Cappela?"

"Oh, my gosh, you scared the crap out of me!" I took a deep breath, trying to recover from the shock.

"You were riding her? What were you thinking?"

"Chill out, Bri let me ride her." I ducked under the cross ties and headed toward the tack room carrying the saddle and bridle.

"WHAT?!" Devony practically shrieked. "Why?"

I shrugged, trying not to act as shocked as I had been when Bri had first offered to let me ride. "She just said I could try her out, since I haven't ridden here yet."

I opened the tack room door, found Kitty's nameplate, and carefully hung her tack.
"Since when did Bri just offer her horse to people?"

I sighed. "I don't know. She was just being nice. "

"Brianna is never nice for no reason. She wants something from you."

I walked out of the tack room and clipped a lead to Kitty's halter.


I finally turned to face Devony's accusing gaze. "I know you guys don't like each other for whatever reasons, but I don't want to judge Bri and Lauren before I know them."

"Wait, have you met Lauren?"
I shrugged. "Yeah." I led Kitty away, Devony trailing behind. "She came in the arena to get into a catfight with Bri."

"Seriously? Tell me!"

I was getting exasperated. "She just came in the arena, all mad or whatever, and wanted to know why I was riding Kitty. Then Bri let her have it and stomped out. Are you happy now?"

Devony recoiled, tugging at the ends of her curly hair nervously. Her dark brown eyes flashed hurt.

"Sorry," I muttered. I shut Kitty's stall door. "Didn't mean to snap at you." Hanging Kitty's halter and lead outside of her stall, we headed for our dorm. Devony was quiet as we walked down the sidewalk side by side.

"I wouldn't trust Bri or Lauren if I were you. They're not the type you want to mix with."

I resisted the heavy sigh of annoyance that dragged at my lungs, instead keeping quiet. Instead, I kept my eyes on my feet. Lost in thought, I was caught by surprise when Devony said, "Hi, Mr. Pine." Her tone was shot with ice.

My gaze snapped up. "Hello."

The riding director towered over me. "I'm glad I found you two. Brittany, will you be busy tomorrow afternoon? I'd like you riding as soon as possible."

"Um, after school, I guess I'm free..."

"Great. Can you make it to testing at 5?"

I fidgeted. "Yeah."

"I'll see you then." Mr. Pine smiled as he brushed by us.

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