Chapter 6

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Hey y'all! Sorry I've been gone so long. Hey, life happens. New chapter soon! Enjoy!

Sunday morning dawned bright and earlier than I would've liked.

My eyes flew open in the darkness. I rolled over, squinting at the clock. It was 6:07 in the morning. I smiled when I remembered where I was-on a scholarship, at my new boarding school. A dream come true.

Turning away from the glowing numbers of the alarm clock, I shut my eyes and snuggled into my pillow, trying to sleep. Ten minutes later, I gave up. I was way to excited to sleep in this morning.

Flopping out of bed, I stumbled over to the door and groped along the wall until I found the light switch. I flicked the overhead light on and blinked against the bright light, hoping I wouldn't wake Devony.

By six forty-five, I was dressed in beige breeches and a red v-neck tee, my dark brown

hair French braided, and my makeup done. I'd just applied concealer and foundation. I pulled on my old black paddock boots and black stable coat, slipping out the door and flipping off the switch so Devony could rest. She'd told me there was a meeting at 11:30 AM, and I was determined to ride sometime today.


I was halfway through my apple when I hurried into the stable. The lighting was still dim at this hour, and most of the horses heads were drooping, their hind legs cocked as they slept. I'd barely wandered through the entrance when a voice made me jump.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice, not unfriendly, made me whirl. I found myself facing a guy probably a foot taller than me, blinking kind brown eyes. He obviously worked out.

"Umm...I am allowed here whenever, right?"

"I didn't say you weren't allowed."

"Well, I guess that's good, then."

"I'm Jonathan. I'm a groom here."

I laughed. "Glad we cleared that up, 'cuz I was getting confused. I'm Brittany and I'm here to find a way to ride."

"I hope that means you're willing to work?"

"I guess it does." I shrugged. "I don't mind a little work."

Jonathan grinned evilly. "Good. Very good."

By 11:15, Jonathan, a groom named Matthew, and I had distributed morning grain rations and water and mucked every last stall. I brushed damp sawdust off of my breeches and swiped at the wisps of hair rapidly escaping my braid. "I've gotta go to the riding meeting," I told Matthew, setting my pitchfork against the outside of the last stall. "but I'm glad I could help out."

"See ya."

I hurried out of the hall and dashed to the bathroom. First thing-I swiped the damp sawdust off my boots and beige breeches. Peering at my reflection, I cringed when I saw my hair. Half of it had escaped my already messy ponytail, and tendrils were loose around my face. I yanked my elastic out and raked my fingers through my hair. I pulled it back up into a (neater) high ponytail and checked my reflection again. At least my makeup was fine-I looked okay. I took a deep breath. I still wasn't ready.

I didn't want to meet a bunch of pro riders who were gonna whip my butt the second we got into the arena.

I left the bathroom and walked down the aisle. As I reached the director's office, I started to open the door-but hoofbeats stopped me. My hand dropped from the doorknob. Instead, I walked down the aisle to the indoor arena. Standing by the rails, I quietly observed the rider inside.

Bri's form was as close to perfect as I'd ever seen in person. She trotted her gorgeous bay mare around the spacious arena, the overhead lights gleaming on the mare's shining coat. As Bri posted, her upper body remained totally still. Her gaze was unwavering-she was completely focused. I kept my eyes on the mare's black leg wraps, admiring her flashy gait as Bri guided her into a tight spiral.

As Bri turned to face the entrance, her eyes fell on me and she invisibly signaled her mare to move smoothly forward at a walk. Bri smiled. "Hey, Flynn." I allowed myself a tiny smile. "Hey." Her horse smoothly halted, and she slid off her side and led her over. Once she'd reached me, she halted her mare and looked at me closer.

"Why do I get the feeling that you spent all morning here? Working?"

"I dunno."

She sighed and reached out to brush sawdust from my coat. "Missed something."

I rolled my eyes but grinned despite myself.

"Just so you know, you're going to be late for the meeting." I felt a sudden stab of disloyalty to Devony and Claire. Maybe Bri wasn't the type of person I wanted to be hanging out with.

As if we sensed the sudden tension at the same instant, my gaze dropped to the ground at the as that Bri's gaze suddenly narrowed. I shook it off, slowly exhaling. Bri hasn't done anything to you. Don't judge her too fast, I reminded myself. Right.

"I can take your mare back to her stall if you wanna get cleaned up," I finally offered. She hesitated a moment before handing over the reins-probably surprising herself as much as she surprised me.

"Her name's A Capella, but we call her Kitty. First open stall on the right." Bri instructed. "Crossties in the aisle. You should find her nameplate in the tack room."

Nodding, I moved to walk away. As I led away, Bri surprised me again. "Thanks, Brittany. I'll owe you one."

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