Chapter 18~ The dinner

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~Susannah's POV~
I woke up at about 4:00 a.m. in a cold sweat. I was so nervous about the dinner today. I didn't know what wear or what to bring. I tried to get back to sleep but it was useless. I kept tossing and turning. Just when I had drifted off to sleep my alarm started to ring. I groaned and pulled myself up out of bed. I made a strong coffee and got into my uniform. I got on my bike and arrived at work on time. I was down at backpackers today with Kerrbox who was trying to find out what I was scared of.

" Are you scared of dogs?" He asked.

" No."

" Cats?"

" No"

" Rats."

" Nope."

" Spiders."

" No"

" Rollercoasters?"

" Niet."

" What about Snakes?"

" No"

" Umm I'm running out of ideas here."

" Good Kerrbox, because I'm running out of patience."

" Alright alright. Anyway are you nervous about tonight?"

" Hell yes. I hardly slept last night. What if Jesse's parents don't like me?" I asked.

" They are going to love you. Don't worry about it. Just be yourself. You are a hell of a lot better than Jesse's ex."

" What was she like?"

" God she was awful. She tricked everyone. Had them all wrapped around her little finger. She used Jesse. She took what little money he had and then left. We were all really worried about him. He was really down in the dumps after that. He would literally eat sleep work. That was it. That's why we went to Bali and Singapore. We all wanted to cheer him up. He wasn't himself in Bali. He hardly went out of the apartment and when he did it was only to surf. Then when we went to the Singapore airport he saw you and something happened. I don't know what it was but you changed him." He explained.

" I didn't realise. God now I feel even more nervous. What should I bring?"

" Bring Debbie a bottle of white wine and Porky a crate of beer and they'll love ya for life." He replied while winking at me. " And just be yourself kiddo. Everyone loves ya. " He added

" Thanks Kerrbox. You've made me feel a lot better." I replied.

" Well now you owe me."

" Yeah I suppose so. How can I repay you?"

" By telling me your fears. So I can prank you."
" Ughhh Really?" I ask.

He nods his head.

" Alright okay Oblivion and heights."

" Hmmmmm. Well I can't really do anything about oblivion but I could do something with heights......"

I groan at the thought of Kerrbox pranking me. I really did not want that thought on top of everything tonight.

~ 5:00 p.m. ~

" Alright lads, I'm off." I say while shouting back to them. I got a chorus of " byes" and "see yahs" in reply.

I got on my bike and drove home. I slammed the door shut and chucked my bag down. I ran for the shower and quickly washed my hair. I let it dry into its natural curls while I started on the makeup. It had actually been ages since I had worn makeup. I was just so used to being around the lads I didn't really bother anymore. I did a simple smokey eye and finished with some lipgloss. Then onto the outfit. I opened the door of the bathroom into my bedroom and saw my outfit laid out on the bed with a note attached to it. I picked up the note and read it.

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