Chapter 2~ Then it hit me..literally

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" ZAZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. YOU'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!! "She yelled.

"YESSSS I AM AUNTY KAT!" I yelled back. I suddenly saw my cousin Rory who was 14. He ran over and gave me a big hug.

"I missed you Zaz." He said.

"Me too Rors. Me too." I replied.

Kat brought me inside and helped to lug my bag downstairs to the basement. It was beautifully decorated with such detail. The walls were a lavender colour and there was a double bed which was made from brown wood. There was a large wardrobe, a white vanity table and a white chest of drawers. There was an en suite. There were also sliding doors onto my own little patio with a wrought iron table and two chairs in the back garden and a door out to the front garden with steps leading up to the ground floor. It was lovely and private.

"I hope that this is O.K." Said Kat

"Oh it is perfect "I said as I dumped my bags on the floor." Where is Uncle Morgan? "I asked.

"He is at work! But for the time being I'm sure you want to check out Bondi!" She replied.

"Actually yes. When I was in Singapore airport I met some of the Bondi lifeguards. They were really nice we ended up sharing a taxi. I might go for a surf and then pop into the tower. "I said

"Oh so do you have your eye on any of them?" She asked. Kat was more like a big sister than an aunty. You could tell her anything.

"Well there is this guy Jesse but I don't know. I really like him but I don't know if he is into me." I said while blushing.

"Well then. You are going to need this supper cute swimsuit I got you to make heads turn." She said giggling. I loved aunty Kat because she knew I didn't like bikinis because I was a bit body conscious.

"Thanks Kat!" I threw my arms around her in a hug and she handed me the swimsuit and some Bondi zinc sun cream for my pommy skin.

The swimsuit was beautiful. It was black and gold. I put it on and threw open my suitcase. I started to fling things out of the bag. I finally found a pink pair of shorts, a pair of thongs (flip-flops), and a vest top that said "turn up the music". It was from my college in Corona, California. It was a performing arts school called 'The Young Americans.' (Google it). I put my hair up into a high pony tail. I put on sun cream and I packed my backpack with my phone, my wallet, a towel, my shorty wetsuit, more sun cream, a book, a pair of board shorts and a bottle of water. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and I walked up the stairs to the hallway.

"Zaz we got you a present" Rory said as he bounded down the hall with a medium sized box wrapped in wrapping paper.

"Thank your Rors" I reply as I start to unwrap the box. When I unwrapped it I saw the iPhone 5s in blue!

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH." I screamed as I enveloped Rory in a hug. "It's perfect!" I say as I open the box and switch the phone on. I put the sim card in and I took a photo of Rory and I and I put it as the screensaver!

"I'm going down to the beach, do you want to come?" I asked.

"Oh no sorry. I can't. I've got homework." He replied.

"Really? It is Friday you have tons of time to do it!" I exclaimed.

"Nope I have to do it. I might meet you down there later. I will text you on your new phone!" He said.

"Alright. But you better come down. Be there or be square!" I said laughing as I walked down the hall grabbing my surfboard. I walked out of the door and headed down to the promenade. It was beautiful. I walked down the steps onto the beach. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon. After a few minutes I laid down my town on the sand. I dumped my bags and my board on the sand. I took my new phone out of my pocket and I took a photo.

"That's going on Instagram later." I said to myself.

I lay down on the towel and I fell asleep. What felt like minutes later I was rudely awakened by someone grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"What the fuck?" I said as I opened my eyes. I saw Jesse standing in front of me in his lifeguard uniform laughing. "Oh it's you." I said grumpily.

"I was just trying to wake you up before you turned into a lobster." He said laughing again. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm fine!" I said looking at my skin. It looked O.K.

"Alright well I have to be off. I've got a job to do." He said giving me a wave and then walking off. He looked hot!
Well I might as well have surf. I take off my vest and shorts and I put on my shorty wetsuit and board shorts. I unzip the bag that my surfboard is in and I pull it out. It is a turquoise colour and has my favourite quote from my favourite author "My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." In black cursive writing. On the underneath of the board it had "Zazzy" on it in the same style of writing as the quote. I put it under my arm and I walk towards the water. I throw my board into the water and I walk in. It is cold but refreshing. I clamber onto my board and paddle out a bit ducking under waves. I sat on my board for a while just bobbing up and down. Suddenly I saw a familiar flash of green in the water. "Was that who I think it was?" I say to myself. I shook the thought away. I saw a wave looming behind me so I decided to surf it. I paddled as fast as I could and I caught the wave and stood up. Suddenly there was the flash of green again as a surfer cut me off.

"Hey " I yelled as I fell off my board. When I resurfaced I climbed back onto my board. A green board with Hibiscus flowers on it pulled up beside me. I was about to give them a lecture when I realised who it was.

"Jennifer?" I asked shocked.

"Zazzy?" She replied equally surprised.

And that's when it hit me. Literally.

~Jesse's point of view~

I watched Zazzy pull up to the surfer who knocked her off her board. Then this other surfer just came out of nowhere and hit her in the back of the head. I pulled off my shirt and grabbed the lifeguard board beside me. I radioed back to the tower "I'm going in. I'll need backup. Over." I said and I dropped the radio in the sand and ran. There were two surfers there when I got to Zazzy. I heard the girl saying "Zazzy, Zazzy please wake up.".

"Help me get her floating flat on her back." I say as I roll her over in the water. Her eyes flung open and she started struggling.

"It's alright Zazzy I'm here. I'm here. Try not to move." I say calmly.
Maxi has paddled over to me.

"Zazzy?" He says in a confused voice.

"Yeah mate. Let's just get her in and on a spinal." I say as calmly as I can. We let the waves push us in. Deano was waiting for us at the shore with oxygen and a spinal board. We were able to float her on the board in the water.

"Jesse I can't feel my legs" she says. "And I think I'm going to be sick". We role her onto her side and she spews everywhere.

I hear Chappo's voice over the radio "Jesse can you give us some details about the girl. We need it for the ambo."

"Her name is Susannah and she is 20, bad fin chop to the head and we've taken spinal precautions. No sign of concussion." I said into the radio.

The girl with the green board came over beside Zazzy.

"Are you okay? What a way to meet each other .Do you want me to get your stuff? Where is it?" She started firing Zazzy with questions.

"Hey enough with the questions. Can you get her stuff it is over by the wall there and then follow her to the hospital." I say as the ambo arrives. She does what I say.

"Jesse stay with me please. I'm scared." Zazzy says. I looked over to Maxi.

He just nods his head and says "Mate we are fine here. Not too busy. You go with her I'll explain to Hoppo." He says.

"Thanks mate" I reply and I grab Zazzy's hand as the ambo people lift her onto the back of the rhino. Maxi drives us up the beach and we get off and I help lift her into the ambo.

So I hope you liked it. I know it's shorter than the other one but I could never write that much again! Hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the bad spelling/grammar!
Jess X

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