Chapter 10~ We have a Ballet Dancer and a Sailor in our midst

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~Susannah's POV~

I woke up with the light streaming in the window. Jesse's arm was pulled very tightly across my abdomen. I picked my phone off of the bedside table. It was 10:40

" Shit." I said probably louder than I should have.

" Good morning to you too babe.." Jesse said.

"It's 10:40..." I said.

" So?" He said.

" My shipment. Chappo, Maxi... Ring a bell?"

" Oh yeah. Wait what time did you say it was?" He said sleepily


"Oh right. Shit. Aren't they coming here at 11:00?"

" Yes Jesse they are."

Jesse got up and went off to the bathroom to get dressed. I pulled on blue denim shorts, a pink floaty top and pink converses. I grabbed my handbag and chucked my phone, the shipment form and my passport. There was a knock at my bedroom door. I opened the door and Maxi rugby tackled me to the ground.

" Sup.." He said.

" Maxi... Can't... Breathe...." I managed to get out. He rolled off...

" Are you ready?" He asked while getting up off the ground and giving me a hand up.

" Almost!" I replied.

" Hey Zazzy!" Chappo said giving me a hug.

" Hey Chappo..." I said while brushing my hair. I started to put it in a french plait.

" What are you doing?" Maxi asked.

" Plaiting my hair. What does it look like?" I asked.

" Well how can you do it without looking in the mirror?" He asked.

" Because I'm a professional babe!" I said while tying my hair with a hairband. Jesse walked out of the bathroom and Chappo just looked stunned.

" Hey Chap!" Jesse said while picking up his bag.

" You two are together?" He asked.

" Yes.. We are.." Jesse answered.
" What time is the van meant to arrive at?" Maxi asked.

" About 11.." I replied and as if on cue the doorbell rang. Before I could even get to the stairs Maxi had bounded up to the front door and opened it. I followed suit.

" G'day mate. I'm just looking for a.... Susannah Redmonds... Her stuff has arrived. Is this the right house?" He asked.

" Sure is mate. There she is." Maxi pointed to me.

" Could I just have some form of identification? Just for precautionary reasons." He asked.

" Yep sure no problem." I pulled out my passport from my back pocket and gave it to the man. He checked it then handed it back to me.

" Thanks "he said. " follow me and I'll show you to the truck" he explained. The four of us followed him out onto the street. He pulled up the roller door on the back and I saw boxes upon boxes of my stuff.

" Jesus Christ.." I said.

" That's a lot of stuff babe. " Jesse said.

" Yeah well I only packed like half of this stuff. My mother must of packed more.." I smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

" Alright then. No point in just standing here looking at it. It won't move itself." Maxi said.

We all started grabbing boxes and carrying them down the steps to my bedroom and dumping them anywhere. Maxi picked up part of my drum kit.
" Oi maxi be careful with "that." I said.
After about an hour we had unloaded all the stuff. Now it was time to unpack the stuff. We all started opening boxes. When Maxi opened the one in front of him, it had all my old ballet clothes and trophies.

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