Chapter 7~ Airhorns, Mustaches and Blue Permanent Sharpie

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~ Jesse's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. It was 5:30. I rolled out of bed and pulled my uniform on. I looked at my phone to see I have 2 missed calls from Susannah 3 from Gonzo and 4 from Maxi. I decided to ring Susannah first but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. Then I rang Maxi. As I predicted it went to voicemail. I knew he was out at the pub with some guys from work. I rang Gonzo and he picked up.

" Mate. Why are you ringing me at five thirty in the morning?" He asked.

" You rang me 3 times last night Gonz." I said

" Oh yeah. Susannah was almost mugged and the guy gave her a wallop on her snoz and she rang Maxi and he came down and fixed her up cause she was only down the street when it happened and the we brought her back to the pub and I don't know what happened after that. We all got pretty pissed. " he explained.

" Jesus is Susannah okay? Why didn't you bring her to the hospital? Why didn't you come and get me?" I half shouted half screamed down the phone. I hung up. Koby barged into my room.

" Mate what the fuck? It's like 5 in the morning! Some of us are trying to sleep. Your fucking shouting the house down." Koby said to me.

" Sorry brah. Something happened to Susannah. I don't know what." I explained.

" Oh right. " Koby said as he walked out of my room and back to bed. I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag and car keys and drove to work.

~Maxi's POV~

My head was banging. It was like someone was playing a drums solo in my head. I opened my eyes. I was lying on my couch in my pants. I could see Susannah lying on the floor with an empty bottle of beer in one hand and a microphone in the other. I stood up and stretched. I walked into the kitchen to find Mouse asleep on the floor in his pants. I stepped over him and opened the cupboard and pulled out 3 glasses. I filled them with water. I left one on the counter near mouse and two pills. I took two pills with the water and I brought the third glass out and left it on the coffee table for Susannah with another two pills. I opened the door to my bedroom to find Kerrbox asleep on my bed and Chappo on the floor. I stepped over Chappo and I opened my wardrobe and pulled a top on and some boardies. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed another two glasses of water and pills for Kerrbox and Chappo. I left them on my bedside table. I went and woke Susannah up. I shook her lightly and there was no response. I shook her again and she jumped up from the floor shouting " I'M AWAKE I'M AWAKE I'M AWAKE I'M AWAKE.." Then she groaned and sat back down on the floor.
" What happened last night?" She asked.

" I have no idea. Last thing I remember was you singing and rapping to 'thrift shop' on the wii. " I replied.
She groaned.

" Why did you have to put the Karaoke on?" She asked.

" You were hilarious!" Mouse said while walking into the living room.

" Did you get the water and pills I left you on the counter?" I asked.

" Oh yeah thanks man. Last night was sick bro." He replied.
Susannah took the pills and water.

" Mate can I borrow some clothes please. I can't exactly walk home in my pyjamas." She asked me.

" Yeah sure no problem. If you want to grab a shower just use my en suite. It has spare towels in there. " I walk into my bedroom and she follows. I step over a still sleeping Chappo and I open up my wardrobe and take out a pair of boardies and a vest top. I chuck them at Susannah and she catches them. She steps over Chappo and goes into my bathrooms leave the bedroom and I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on.

~ Susannah's POV ~

I stripped, put my hair up and got into the shower. I let the warm water soak over me. I hear the door of the bathroom open. It's Chappo.

" Uh Chappo mate do you mind, I'm trying to take a shower and a bit of privacy would be nice." I said. He jumped out of his skin. It was actually pretty funny.

" Oh shit. Sorry Susannah I didn't realise you were in here." He said with his hands over his eyes he walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. I finished my shower and hopped out. I put on the boardies and top and I looked in the mirror. My nose was pretty swollen and black and blue. I left the bathroom. I saw Kerrbox on the bed still asleep and I had the best idea ever. I sneaked out of Maxi's room and I put the idea to the other guys. They all thought it was brilliant. Maxi found his air horn and sharpies. I snuck back into Maxi's room and drew a moustache and beard on his face in blue permanent sharpie. I then wrapped gaffer tape almost all the way around the air horn. When I reached the bit you press for it to blow I wrapped it really tightly. I let it drop and it started to blow I ran out of the room and shut the door behind me. I could hear Kerrbox screaming and all of us started pissing ourselves laughing it was hilarious. We were then confronted with a very confused and angry Kerrbox.

" WHAT THE HELL? WHO DID THIS?" Kerrbox yelled. All the boys pointed to me.

" Well thanks for grassing me up!" I say to the boys.

" I will get you! Just when you least expect it! " he said evily.

" Yeah yeah..." I replied. He walked back into Maxi's bedroom.
" Right well I'm heading off." I explain right before I head my phone ringing. I find it on the floor and pick it up. It's Hoppos number.
" I can't answer it! It's Hoppo." I explain. Chappo takes the phone out of my hand.

" Hello Chris Chapman here. How may I help you?" He asks. " Oh Hoppo it's you. Right. Yes. I will. Hold on she is just using the rest room. I shall get her. Mhmm yes. Okay. Here she is. I love you too honey!" He jokes before handing the phone over to me.

" Hello. Susannah Redmond speaking. Yes. Ok. Yes I will be down there as soon as possible. Yes.. No problem..Bye." I say before hanging up.

" So? What did he say?" Maxi asked.

" I have to come down to his office. Like now. I can't go dressed like this!" I say worriedly.

" Don't fear. Maxi is here! I will drive you home and back to Bondi!" He says.

" Oh you are brilliant Maxi." I say. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to his car. He drives me home and I run down and get changed into black jegings and a blue blouse. I put my hair up in a ballerina bun and I grab my laptop bag and I run up the steps. I wave goodbye to Maxi as I run across the road toward the pavilion. When I get there I compose myself and knock on the door.

" Come in!" I hear. I enter and sit down on the chair. Hoppo and Harries are sitting opposite me. My heart was in my mouth.

" Listen, Susannah, I'm just going to cut straight to the point.. I'm really sorry to say this but..."


So big cliffhanger! It looks like Susannah isn't going to get her dream job. Or is she? MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
Anyway I just wanted to tell everyone thank you! The comments and support have been brilliant! Over 250 reads!!!!!! Jess X

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