Chapter 002

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It has been two months since my arrival here. I havent gotten a clue what anyone is saying. I have tried very hard in learning this new language but no luck has come.When being carried around the house when my mother took me, I have wondered around for quite a while and I already noticed it from the start, but I didn't seem to be in Japan.

The language was different, my mothers' faces didn't appear to be Japanese, and their clothes even seemed to be of the midevil times.

I couldn't see anything resembling an electronic device, and the utensils, bowls, and furniture were mainly made from wood. 

The light was not produced light bulbs, but from candles and lamps.

It was probably not an advanced, developed country.


A little over half a year has passed by. Listening to my mother and maids, I was begining to understand them bit by bit. I heard from many child care takers the childs mind is like a sponge and I never knew how true they were. 

By now, I have learned to crawl. I was so restricted in a newborns body. At times when I tried to move my arm to grab something, it just shoots another direction pulling me that way making me fall.

"We have to keep our eyes on him."

"Why, ever since he learned to crawl, who knows where he goes."

"Isnt this great?"

"How so?"

"Miss Yehuda has been worring since he hasnt cried since he was born. So isn't it great he's restless?" 

The maids had this conversation when they saw me crawling everywhere like I was possesed. Even though I could only crawl, once I did so, I understood a lot of things.

First, this place was a village.

From the scenery I could see from the windows, it was a landscape of farming plots.

The other houses were scattered around, and on one side of the wheat fields I could see two, three families.

It was quite a rural place. I could not see any electric wires, lamps, or anything similar. I had heard that foreign countries place their wires underground, but if that was the case, it was strange that this house did not have electricity.

It was too rural. It was painful for me who had been raised in a larger civilization. I at least wanted my phone.

When I noticed the maids running around, I thought they looked hilarious. What's the rush? Was there a special occasion coming up? Whose birthday is it? I know it isnt mine, maybe my mothers? What should I show her. Its not like I can give her something physical. 

Oh how about my first word. I never really tried talking since last time I tried, I made a sound close to a gurgle and giggle. I better go practice in secret as I dont want the maids to see me making my first words as I want to suprise my mother.


When a maid found me I was in my closet. Too many times does a maid look into my room so I had to go somewhere. The maid was hardly suprised as she has found me in weirder places such as the lower cabinet, under the stairway and even in the bathtub.

She took me to the stairwell infront of the door and waited. We're waiting for my mother right? 

Sitting still we wait for any sign of my mother's return.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

One of the maids squealed in excitement while she ran to open the door. There stood my mother with what seemed like a cake.

Is it not mothers birthday? By this time I am very confused. After all my hard work of trying to suprise my family. Well its not a total lost. So, what are we celebrating?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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