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Chapter 0.1

"Adam Johnson was found at the scene of his family's murder, where his sister, Rachel Johnson, was brutally raped and murdered along with his nephew, Frank Johnson. He is now in the custody of the federal government where he is accused of Capital Murder*. The penalty of such level of crime is punished by death. Adam will be facing this penalty today in Nighway Prison. Now for the weather with Phillip."

The screen changes from a middle aged brunette to a grey haired African American before being turned off by the prison patrol.

"Time to go to the oven," the guard said snickeing at his own joke.

Adam had a Jewish heritage. Though he did not pick up the religion himself, he was a man of honor and he honored his family. Adam took the cruel joke very seriously. He stopped mid step bumping his back against the guard making him fall. Though it did no real damage Adam was satisfid while the guard was furious.

"You..." the guard began to say.

"Marion, what have I told you about your anger issues." A voice boomed. A man Adam believed to be the Warden entered the hallway looking Adam up and down.

"Come this way," he directed, leading to a small room with nothing but a restraining chair and a needle already filled with a lethal poison.

Adam was placed into the restraining chair by the guard, Marion, before the Warden asked what his last words were.

He smiled and said, "Go to hell. I'm gonna have a chat with God about my situation here. Now can we get this over with?"

"I'll see you there with me," the Warden said before injecting Adam with cyanide, the fastest acting of all poisons. Adam's death came within minutes of his injection.


As a rule, neither guards nor wardens would act in such a fashion but, instead, would be professional and dignified, as required.

So this is purely fictional, not everything is straight up facts in this story. If I offended anyone with misinformation, sorry. That was not my intended interpretation.

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