Chapter 32: Lavender

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     I planned on driving back to the house, however, I felt this strange tugging at my heart, and instead I took the route to the lake. I don't know why but I did, and it somehow felt like the right thing to do.

     My head was full of thought racing back and forth. I felt this weight on my shoulders, and this guilt in my heart because I felt like I missed my chance to be with him. I should have told him how I felt sooner, and not have been so blind to see how much I really did love him.

     The lake finally came into view and I parked on the dirt pathway that led down to the lake, and the patchy meadow. I made my way out of the car and towards the meadow. I wanted to go there and clear my head, however, I knew that would be hard to do.

     I followed the path from the lake up to the meadow, and I made my way through the tall grass. I stopped suddenly when I saw him sitting there with his knees up to his chest, and a somewhat pain-filled expression.

     I looked down at him in disbelief, and he looked back at me, "Hi." He whispered.

     I was speechless for a second before saying, "Hi." I looked around the meadow and took a deep breath before landing my gaze back on him, "What're you doing here?" I asked curiously.

     Eric bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders, "I couldn't leave..." He replied.

     I furrowed my brows at him and I ran my hands through my tousled hair, "What do you mean you couldn't leave?" I asked in a whisper.

     He looked up at me and said, "I couldn't leave you..."

     I looked around for a second before sitting on the grass next to him, "Oh..."

     He turned his head towards me and looked at me with confusion, "What're you doing here?" He asked curiously.

     I looked him in his eyes and shook my head, "I don't know." I answered honestly, "But, something tells me I was suppose to come here." I added.

     "You didn't come to the church." Eric stated.

     I looked down and swallowed a knot in my throat, "I did but I thought I was too late, and you're here now." I said, "Someone made me realize that love only comes along every so often, and you should hold on to it."

     Eric looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, "Are you saying you love me?" He asked with a slight smile.

     I smiled back at him and said, "Only, if you still love me..." I whispered.

     Eric looked over to the side of him, he picked up a dainty lavender that was sprouting out from the ground and held it up between us. He started to pick at the petals, the petals falling down onto the grass, and reciting "I love you, I love you not" repeatedly.

     I chuckled lightly at this, and he kept going until he go to the last couple of petals, "I love you not..." He recited, "I love you." He finished.

     We both looked up to each other and started to laugh, "You left your fate up to a flower?" I asked with a smile.

     "Not, just any flower but with a Lavender flower..." He chuckled.

     "Clever." I smiled.

     We both laughed with each other, the laughter eventually dying down, and we were surrounded with silence. We looked at each other, and Eric smirked at me, "I have something for you..." I told him.

     "What is it?" He asked curiously.

     I reached for my back pocket, I pulled out the letter and handed it to him.


Dear Readers,

     I have at least one more chapter to go, and this story is done!

QOTD: What do you think is going to happen?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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