Chapter 9: Rolling Around In The Grass

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     A couple of days later...

     "Honey, did you set up the grill yet?" My mother called to my father.

     I walked downstairs to see my mother in the kitchen getting food ready, my father carrying a grill out to the backyard and Rose sitting on the floor playing with her dolls, "What's going on?" I asked Rose.

     She picked up her head, and looked at me, "Were having the Hansen's over for a BBQ, and some of mom's new friends." Rose explained, "Why?"

     My heart stopped at the mention of Hansen. That meant that Eric would be coming to my house, and I didn't want to face him after the night in his garage. Wouldn't it be awkward? Rose shrugged her shoulders, and went back to playing with her dolls.

     I walked into the kitchen, I stood in front of my mom who was preparing corn, and wearing an apron, "Well, hello dear!" She exclaimed, "Can you peel some corn for me?" She asked with a wide smile.

     "Why are we having a BBQ?" I asked anxiously awaiting for an answer, "Why are we having the Hansen's over?"I added.

     My mother looked up from the corn, and gave me a shocked look, "Lavender Morrison!" my mother exclaimed, and gave me a frown. I flinched at the sound of my full names, and quickly looked to her, "We're having them over to thank them for giving your father a job. It's called courtesy, and I expect you to be nice." She said firmly.

     "Sorry, that's not what I meant..." I apologized.

     My mother looked at me with comfort, and put her hands on her hip, "It's fine. Can you change into some clothes." She asked.

     I looked down at my worn Beatles shirt, and sweatpants, "What's wrong with this? It's rather comfortable." I joked.

     "Pajamas aren't suitable for a BBQ. Now go and change." She instructed me.

     I left the kitchen, and made my way up to my room. I decided on wearing high waisted jean shorts, my metallic bandeau (since it was really hot out) and black converse. I pulled my wavy hair into a high ponytail, and put on a simple winged eyeliner. Why? I don't know.

     I heard the familiar voice of Mr. Hansen, and if he was here that meant Eric was too. I got scared, and made my downstairs and out the backdoor. I ran to the lake, I plopped down in the grass; which was hidden by taller grass. My heart was beating really fast.

     I looked up to the clear blue sky, and I felt the sun beating down on my ivory skin. I was breathing heavily, I stretched my arms out across the grass, and gently caressed the grass with my fingers. I could feel the morning dew on the grass, and I could smell nature around me.

     Suddenly I heard grass rustling, I sat up quickly, and as soon a I did I heard the grass stop moving. I quietly crawled my way to the tall grass, and stopped when I got to it. I parted the tall grass with on hand, and at the same time someone else did too. The grass revealed Eric also on his hands and knees.

     We looked at each other in the eyes, and all you could hear was our shallow breathing. I Eric's eyes traveled down my body, and I noticed that his brown hair was combed to the side.

     I went to crawl away, but Eric grabbed my arm, I looked back and he was looking at me. The next thing I knew our lips were locked, and I found myself kissing him back deeply. We both stood up on knees, his hands were on my face and he was hungrily kissing me.

     I broke off the kiss, and looked at him with confusion, "What're you doing here?" I whispered flustered.

     He looked at me breathing heavily, "Avoiding you..." He whispered back.

     I looked up at him, and a smile was forming, "I was avoiding you too..."

     He looked at me, and he had a smile tugging at his lips, "Hm..."


     "I couldn't help myself." He answered.

     "Don't you hate me?" I shot back.

     Eric smoothed back his hair, and licked his lips, "I wanted to stay away from you, but, I just...couldn't." He said as hesitantly looked at me.


     Eric shrugged his shoulder, and he looked me in the eyes, "I didn't want to ruin you..."

     My breathing hitched, and I tilted my head at him, "Why because I'm so young. Please." I chuckled sarcastically.

     "You don't need to get mixed up with someone like me..." He whispered.

     I cocked an eyebrow at him, "What a jerk?" I answered, and I sighed, "Geez, you're so irritating, I don't understand you, and I don't what your after..." I added.

     There was a smile tugging at his lips, "I'm as damned as I seem..." he replied.

     Without thinking this time I kissed him, he lowered us to the ground, and I was straddling him. Eric moved his hands up and down my bare sides. Our tongues were sliding against each other, I felt hands cup my face and cupped his.

     "Eric? Van?" I heard my father, and Mr. Hansen call out.

     I sat up at the sound of our names, Eric's hands were on my hips, and we were both breathing heavily, "I think we should go..." I said to Eric.

     He looked back at me speechless, and he nodded his head. I stood up, Eric stood up from the ground and dusted himself off. We walked back to my house, we didn't say a word to each other, and the whole way we were stealing glanced at each other.


Dear Readers,

     Here's the first half of the double update for this story. Please comment, and vote!

QOTD: What do you think will happen? Do you like what happened?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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