Chapter 31: Almost Paradise

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     I had taken my father's truck and drove to the church. I clutched my hands tightly around the steering wheel, and I felt my legs slight shake. I hoped he was there and that it wouldn't be too late. I wanted to tell him everything and how stupid I've been.

     The church came into sight, I parked the truck and ran out towards the church. I looked around, however, I didn't see Eric anywhere or his truck. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed in exasperation, "Excuse me, Miss?" A woman said as he walked down the church steps, "Can I help you?"

    The lady was dressed in a long white gown and her long brown hair was curled. It was unusual for someone to be wearing that in the country. She had this almost breath-taking aura around her, and she had a slight blush to her cheeks. She was almost angelic, and almost all too familiar. It breathtaking.

     I looked up at her and swallowed a lump in my throat, "Um, have you seen boy - I mean man here?" I asked him hurriedly.

The woman thought for a second and he looked up at me with furrowed brows, " This boy have brown hair and blue eyes, right?" She asked.

I nodded my head in agreement, "Yea, and he's about 5"7'." I added to her description, "Have you seen him?"

The woman came closer to me and nodded her head, "Yea, he was here about a couple of hours ago, and he was sitting right on these steps." She stated, "Ah, you must be Lavender, right?" He added.

I looked at her with slightly wide eyes and gently nodded my head, "Yea, how did you know...?" I asked in disbelief.

The woman chuckled lightly and her smile was so familiar, "You're the girl that he thinks about all the time..." She trailed off, "You're really pretty." She added with a smile.

"Thanks but what're you talking about?" I asked baffled, "Do you know where he's gone?"

     The woman looked at me for a second and lightly smiled, "Just look into your heart, and you'll know the answer..." She replied as she held her hand above where her heart would be.

     I looked at her in utter confusion, "I don't know what that means..." I replied, "I need to find him." I added desperately.

     The woman smiled at me, "You will..." She said and turned to walk away.

     "Wait!" I called to the woman.

     She stopped and turned around, "Yes?"

      "Who are you...?"

     The woman smiled and looked down for second before looking back up at me, "Lily..." She replied, "Tell him I love him..." She added.

     I looked back up to where she was, and she was gone. I looked around to see where she was but she was nowhere to be seen, "Lily!?" I called, "Tell who!?"

     Who was she...?


Dear Readers,

     QOTD: Who do you think the mysterious woman was?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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