Chapter 2: The Hansen's Farm

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      "Do I have to?" I asked my mom as I was slipping on my black converse.

     "Come on. Go with your dad, and check out were he's going to be working," she smiled at me, "Maybe you could ask the owner of the farm If you could lend a hand here, and there," she added.

     I stepped towards my mirror, and let my straight hair fall over my shoulders, "Fine." I sated, and looked at my outfit in the mirror. I'm wearing a simple black muscle tee, and a pair of high waisted jean shorts.

     "Great!" My mother exclaimed, and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Love you! Have fun!" she exclaimed.

     "Yup, thanks," I gave her a small smile.

     Before I left I put on a simple winged liner on my eyes, and left out the door and waited for my dad in his new truck. It was hot inside the truck, and the sun was shining in from the window. I tried to turn on the A.C., but, it was busted.

     "Ready, darlin'? My father said in a weird country accent, and he gave me a wide smile.

     "Trying out new accents I see," I said with an arched eyebrow, "Just so you know the A.C. is busted," I added plainly.

     My dad took a deep breath, and started up the car, "Yea, the car kind of came like that," he4 said, "I'm going to have to get that fixed." he added, and started up the car.


     Me and my dad got out of the car, and we headed towards a guy who was feeding some hens. As we got closer I could tell he was about my dad's age, he had brown hair and blue eyes. He kind of looked familiar, however, I could really pinpoint why.

     "Hey, there, you must be Vern Morrison," the guy said, "I'm Todd Hansen. Nice to meet you," Todd smiled.

     Hansen? Why does it sound so familiar?

     "Hi, nice to finally you, Mr. Hansen," my dad smiled, "This is my daughter Lavender Morrison, but, we just call her Van." my dad gestured towards me.

     Todd looked at me, and gave me a wide smile, "Why, isn't that a pretty name for such a pretty girl," chuckled, "How old are you darlin'?"

     "Eighteen." I replied.

     "Wow, so you just graduated?"

     I nodded my head, and gave him a small smile, "Sure did."

     "I have a son. He's twenty-one." Todd said, "He's over there working on the car. His name is Eric." he added.

     My dad looked at me, "You should go, and talk to him while Todd here shows me around." my dad suggested.

     I shook my head my head, "It's fine. I don't mind taking the tour too," I smiled.

     "Nonsense. Don't worry Eric is a nice boy." Todd assured me.

     "Go head, darlin'" My dad emphasized the last bit.

     I was mentally face palming myself, and I just walked away to where Eric was working on the car. I couldn't really see the back of the boy's head, he was face down and tinkering with the engine and there was loud music playing.

     "Hello?" I asked gently not wanting to disturb them too much, however, he didn't answer. I realized he could hear me over the music, "Hey!" I shouted a little louder. Nothing. "Hey!" I shouted again.

     Instead of shouting, I walked over to his side of the car he was working on, and I tapped him on the shoulder. The boy tried to stand up, but, he hit his head on the hood of the car.

     What the hell? I thought.

     The boy standing in front of me was Eric. Eric Hansen. No wonder why the last name Hansen sounded familiar. Eric Hansen, and he's the boss's son.

    "Fuck!" he yelled, he rubbed his head and looked at me with a split second of surprise, however that quickly changed when he saw who it was.

     "Geez, are you okay?" I said with concern, as he slammed the hood down and put both hands over his head and bit down on his lip to keep from yelling.

     He looked at me with a cocked eyebrow, and looked at me like I was invading his space, "Can't you see I'm busy." he said rudely.

     "I uh...your father told me to come here, and say hi," I stumbled a bit at first.

     He rubbed the back of his head, and reopened the hood, "Hi," he said plainly, and continued to work on his car.

     What is this guy's problem?

     I was really getting tired of this, and I felt like leaving, but, I could because my dad had the keys, "What is your problem?" I asserted. I didn't know the guy, and the least he could do was be a little courteous.

     Eric stood up, and looked at me, "What are you even doing here?" he asked.

     "You didn't answer my question?" I said with a hint of frustration.

     "You didn't answer mine." he retorted.

     "I asked first." I shot back.

     "Yea, and I asked second. So, what?" he replied cockily.

     I furrowed my brows, and narrowed my eyes at him, "My dad works for you dad now," I responded plainly.

     Then, he just went back to working on his car, and ignored my question. I felt my face start to heat up, I slammed the hood down and he quickly moved out of the way. He looked at me with anger in his eyes, "Why the hell did you do that?" he spewed.

     "Look, I don't understand what you problem is, but, I came here intending to be nice and you are a FUCKING PRICK!" I yelled the last part, "You really need to learn when someone is being nice to you."

     Eric threw his wrench down on the tool bench behind him, and I could see the anger welling in his eyes, "Ooh, the California girl has a temper," Eric said mockingly.

     "Listen. I'm more than a California girl. Not all people are where they come from, and if that's what you think then you're ignorant," I countered.

     Eric didn't respond, and grabbed his wrench again, "Whatever you say, city girl," he said as he reopened the hood of the car, and started to work on it again.

     I stood there flustered, and took a deep breath. Before I walked out of the garage, I pushed over his tool box, he turned around to look, and I flipped him off, "Real Mature," he said plainly.

     "You should talk. Take a look in the mirror." I stated, and left in a huff. I walked to the truck, and waited for my dad to be finished.


     "So, how did it go with, Eric?" My dad asked as he entered the car, and closed the door shut.

     I just started out of the window, "It didn't" I replied plainly.

     "Why, what happened?" My dad asked curiously.

     I turned my head towards my dad, "Can we just go?" I asked simply, and he started up the car without another word.


Dear Readers,

     What did you guys think of this chapter? There's a lot of drama! Should I keep on writing this story? I'm going to try, and do a couple of chapters from "Take Me To Church" and "See You Again: Raising River" here an there. I may write one or two chapter a day for each, or, just one from one of the stories.

QOTD: Why do you think Eric is acting like this? What do you think is Eric's big secret?

Sincerely, Ana XD





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