Chapter 13: Piglet Dolly And Rue.

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I made my way out of my father's truck, I stopped to looked around for Eric and I saw him over by the fence feeding some pigs. Eric looked up at me, he gave me a small smile and I smiled back at him.

"Hey, there, Eric!" My father said to Eric.

Eric looked over at my father, and waved at him, "Hi, there, Mr. Morrison." Eric greeted my father.

My looked at him, and said, "Call me, Vern." My father stated.

Eric nodded, and smiled, "Sorry, Vern."

My father smiled, and hooked his thumbs in to his belt loops, "Is your father in chicken pen?"

Eric nodded his head at my father, "Yea."

Just then Mr. Hansen walked out of the chicken pen and smiled, "Hey, there, Vern!" Mr. Hansen called to my father.

"Hi, Todd." My father said and walked over to were Mr. Hansen was.

I looked back over at Eric, I walked over to where he was and I leaned against the fence with my arms resting on the fence. I looked up at him, he looked down at me and smirked, and I looked down with a slight blush, "What're there names?" I asked curiously about the pigs names.

Eric pointed to a small pink one, "That one there is named piglet."

I chuckled and looked at him, "Like from Winnie The Pooh?"

He looked down at me and smiled, "Exactly. This big one over here with the black spots is named Dolly." He pointed out, "And this one over here's name is Rue." He added.

"I liked you choice in names."

Eric slightly chuckled, "Yea, my father let me name them when I was younger." He said fondly.

I like to hear him laugh. It's nice. I thought.

"Did you ever get to name anything?"

I nodded my head and said, "Yea, my sister." Eric looked at me somewhat surprised, "Yea, they let me choose a name, I liked the name Rose and they liked it too." I explained.

Eric furrowed his brows at me, "Why Rose?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Because my name was Lavender, I wanted her to be named after a flower and I really like the name Rose." I explained.

"It's a beautiful name..."

I looked at him, and nodded my head, "Yea, I know it is. That's why I chose Rose." I replied.

Eric shook his no, "No, the name Lavender..."

I looked at him with furrowed brows, "Do you not like the name Rose?" I said jokingly.

Eric chuckled and he shook his head, "No, I liked the name Rose. I just really like the name Lavender." He explained, "I just think it's ironic that you'd have that name..." He added.

My head shot up and I looked at him confused, "How?"

Eric shrugged his shoulder at me, and leaned his arms onto the fence, "It's such a soft name for girl with such a hard exterior." He explained.

I was still confused and he chuckled at my reaction, "How?" I demanded an answer.

"You seem intimidating at times."

"Really?" I asked and he nodded his head, "Huh, I could say the same thing about you." I added.

"I guess we're both pretty intimidating." He replied.

I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow, "You don't intimidate me." I stated firmly.

"You don't intimidate me." He shot back.

"You just said I can be intimidating at time." I countered.

Eric shook his head at me, "I said you can be intimidating at times," He replied, "I didn't say you were intimidating to me." He added.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes, "You know you frustrate me?" I said annoyed.

Eric looked down at the pigs and sighed, "Do you want to pet one?" He asked me out of the blue."

I narrowed my eyes at him, and I shook my head confused, "How do you go from that to petting pigs?" I asked confused.

Eric cocked an eyebrow, and asked, "Well, do you?"

I sighed and nodded my head, "Sure..."

"Here step on the fence, and climb up." He instructed.

I did as he said and hoisted myself up on to the fence, "What if I fall?" I asked worriedly.

Eric was right next to me, he put his hand on the small of my back and he whispered into my ear, "You won't..."

I felt tingles up and down my spin, "Okay..." I replied. I reached an arm down and petted Piglet. He was small, he had rough hair and was slightly covered in mud, "He's so cute..." I said in disbelief.

"Eric!" I heard Eric's father call for him.

We both turned around to see him standing near the garage, and he didn't seem all that happy. Eric took his hand off my back and I climb down from the fence in confusion.

Eric walked over to his father, and his father was telling him something. I couldn't hear what they were saying because I was too far away, but it seemed like what ever it was Mr. Hansen meant it and Eric didn't say anything.

When they were done talking Mr. Hansen gave me a look and walked back over to the garage.

What the hell?

Eric walked right past me not saying anything, and went straight to the chicken pen. I furrowed my eyebrows at this. Why was he ignoring me? I followed him to the chicken pen, Eric entered it and got the chicken feed. I didn't go in my I stood right outside the fence wall that enclosed the pen, and I looked at him in confusion, "Eric what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

Eric didn't answer me and he continued to feed the chicken, :"Eric, talk to me. What's wrong?" I asked again, "Is it me?"

I could see Eric's jaw tighten as I kept pressing on, and I grabbed onto the chain-linked fence, "Is it your father?"

Eric's head shot up, and I could see a hint of anger in his eyes, "You should probably just go." He stated emotionlessly.

"Why?" I asked.

Eric scoffed, "My father doesn't want me getting mixed up with someone younger than me, and that I need focus on what's really important." He said tensely.

"We're both adults here. Why do you listen to your father?"

"Maybe he's right. Maybe I shouldn't be getting mixed up with someone so young." He shot back, "You don't even know what you want yet." He added hurtfully.

I was taken aback by his comment, "What and you do?" I countered angrily, "You never even got to do anything you wanted to. You stayed and did what your father said. So, don't tell me about not knowing what I want." I said angrily.

Corey looked at me with guilty eyes, and his jaw tensed up, "Go back to your playpen, Van." He said and he continued to feed the chickens.

I stood there hurt and angry, and then I walked away from the pen. I couldn't take the car because my father was working, so I decided to walk and go home.


Dear Readers,

Ooh, Mr. Hansen is being a b&*!#. Poor Van...

WARNING!: There's a possible graphic sexual scene coming up soon.

QOTD: What do you think about what just happened?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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