Chapter 11: Bravo!

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I was in my kitchen making sandwiches with Rose, we were listening to the radio, and dancing a little to the music, "Hey, do we have mayo?" Rose asked, "I want to put some on my sandwiches." She added as she bobbed her head to the music.

I was too busy making my sandwich to look up, so I grabbed the mayo that was beside me and handed it to her, "here." I said as I shook my hips slightly.

"Thanks." She replied.

I spread some mustard over my ham and cheese sandwich, and all over my wheat bread. I grabbed some lettuce, and placed it on the sandwich too. Suddenly, the song "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" by: Starship came on, and me and Rose looked at each other. Needless to say this was our song, and we always danced to this song.

Rose smiled widely, "Now?"

I looked back at her, and smiled, "Now." I confirmed, and we stared to dance. Rose was shaking her hips, and stepping side to side. Rose danced to the radio and turned it up.

"Looking in your eyes I see a paradise. This world that I found is to good to be true..." We sang in unison.

"I want so much to give you this love in my heart that I'm feeling for you..." Rose sang to me, and pointed at me.

My part was coming up, I grabbed a whisk and started to use it as a microphone, "Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that. Put your hand in my hand baby. Don't ever look back." I sang loudly, "Let the world around us just fall apart. Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart." I continued.

Rose laughed, she twirled her way back towards her sandwich and started to throw different things on to it, "And we can build this dream together." She sang out.

"Standing strong forever. Nothing's gonna stop us now." We both sang in unison. I shook my hips to the music, and I bobbed my head too. Me and Rose witched sandwiches, and started to throw random stuff onto it.

"And if this world runs out of lovers..." I sang melodically.

I stretched the whisk out to Rose, and she leaned in to it, "We'll still have each other."

Then we both leaned into the whisk, and sang in unison, "Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us..."

"Ooh, all that I need is you..."

"All that I ever need!" I dragged out the last part.

"And all I want to do..."

Me and Rose faced each other, and sang to each other, "Is hold you forever, ever and ever..."

"Hey!" I sang loudly, and we were both laughing. Then we both start to dance to the guitar solo, I was still singing in to the whisk while dancing, and Rose was pretending to play a guitar.

I turned around towards the the kitchen archway, and I saw Eric standing there smirking. I immediately crouched down behind the counter, Rose looked down at me confused and I pulled her down to me, "Sh..." I whispered and gave her a 'be quiet look'.

We stayed silent, I was hoping that he didn't see me and I was wishing he'd go away, "I can here you breathing." Eric stated. I tried to control my breathing, and Rose got the hint too, "I can still hear you." he added.

My eyes widen, I covered my mouth and Rose's too, "I saw you already. There's no need to hide." I heard Eric say, "Actually, I can see you." He added, and I looked up and saw him standing there.

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