Chapter 26: The Way He Looks At You

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     "Van, look it!" Rose yelled from the small dragon roller coaster.

     I waved at her and a wide smile was plastered on my face, "Yes, go Rose!" I yelled back at her.

     I leaned my hands on the railing and kept my eyes on Rose. Her long brown braid was flowing in the wind and her hands were up in the air, "So, have you met any guys in this town, yet?" Mary asked as she tucked a piece of blonde hair behind her right ear.

     I looked over at her and shook my head at her, "No not really." I replied, "Just you know the you introduced me to and Eric."

     Something in Mary's eyes twinkled and she smirked at me, "Is there anybody you like?" She asked.

     I rubbed the back of my head and then put my hand back on the railing, "Uh, um, no..." I lied.

     Mary arched an eyebrow at me and she pursed her lips, "Really?" Mary said in suspicion.

     "What you don't believe me?"

     Mary shrugged her shoulders, "No, I didn't say that..." She trailed off.

     I tilted my head at her and I furrowed my brows at her, "What're you saying?" I asked curiously.

     Mary sighed and leaned her elbows on the railing, "I don't know..." She replied, "It just seems that you and...Eric..." She added trailing off.

     I looked at her curiously and I waited for her to finish, "What?"

     "You guys seem to have chemistry." She answered.

     "What makes you say that?"

     "The way you guys look at each other, and I don't you guys have this tension." She said.

     "What're you talking about we don't look at each other." I said, "But, tension probably." I added.

     "Oh, come one, Van." She smiled, "At the bonfire you guys kept looking at each other, and especially at the club."

     I rolled my eyes at her, "No." I stated.

    "No, seriously." She said, "Eric has never looked at anyone the way he has looked at you."

     I looked up at her and I was speechless. Did he really look at me different? I mean I know we've been sharing personal stuff with each other, and we obviously have gotten physically closer. Then there was when Eric say "I love you", and I didn't say it back. Because I was kind of scared about getting involved, and I thought there would be no point of getting involved if he plans on leaving.

     My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Rose's voice, "Van, that was so fun!" Rose exclaimed as she ran up to me, "Did you see me!?" She added with a big smile.

     I turned my head towards Rose and I composed myself, "Yea, of course I did." I replied.

     "Where did mom and dad go?" Rose asked.

     "They went over to the tea cup ride." I answered.

     Rose's eyes lit up and started to jump, "Ooh, let's go there!" Rose exclaimed.

     "Okay." I nodded my head.

     "The tea cups are over there." I said pointing across from where we were, "Hey, I'm going to head home, okay?" I added.

     "Your not staying?" Rose asked.

     "Nah, I think I'm going to head home." I stated, "I'm getting a little tired. Just tell mom and dad that I'm going to go home and rest."

      Rose nodded her and started to skip, "Okay!"

      "You're really not staying?" Mary asked from behind me.

     I turned around to face her and nodded my head, "Yea, I'm really am tired..." I told her.

      "Is it something I said?" She asked.

     "Oh, no, not all." I assured her, "I'm going to head out. Nice seeing you."

     "Okay..." Mary said slightly disappointed, "I'll see you."

     "See you." I said and gave her a small smile.

     I turned around and I started to head for the fair exit.

     It's kind of weird hearing that about Eric and that Mary thinks we have some kind of chemistry. I mean yea I can't deny there's chemistry, however, we both haven't really asserted our feelings towards each other.

     This is what I wanted to avoid...


Dear Readers,

     QOTD: Weird Science or The Breakfast Club?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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