Chapter 10: Backyard BBQ

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"There you guys are." My mother said, and gave Eric a warm smile, "My aren't you handsome." My mother complimented Eric.

Eric smiled back at her, and put his hands in his pockets, "Thank you, Mrs. Morrison."

"You're very welcome." My mother replied, "Your father's out back, and Vern is too. If you want you can go out back, and help set up."

"Uh, sure." Eric said. He glanced back at me, and made his way out to the backyard.

My mother watched him as he left, and turned towards me as soon as he was gone, "Oh, Van, he's so cute." My mother whispered, "How old is he?"

I was brought out of my trance, and I looked at my mother, "Oh, uh, he's twenty-one." I answered.

My mother pursed her lips, and put her hands on her hips, "Oh, he's older than I thought." She chuckled.

"Uh, mom, I'm gonna make some lemonade." I said trying to changed the subject.

"Well, okay, Hun. The lemons are already on top of the counter."

I nodded my head, and headed towards the kitchen. I grabbed the lemons, I put them into the strainer and put them in the sink. I looked up at the window, and I saw Eric standing there smiling and laughing. I found myself staring at him in wonder, and suddenly he glanced over at me. I didn't realize that I had turned on the water faucet, and water sprayed over me. The water took me out of my trance, I tried to shield myself from the water, and I reached for the faucet and turned it off. I looked out of the window dripping wet, I saw Eric smirk at me and look away.


"Honey, what happened in here?" My mother said as she looked at me in surprise.

I turned around to face her, and my hair was dripping all over the floor, "Um, I think the faucets broken..."

My mother put her hands on her hips, and tilted her head, "Here." She said as she handed me a towel, "Use this to dry up." She added.

I grabbed the towel from her, and started to dry my face, "Maybe, I should go upstairs, and use a blow dryer." I suggested, and I hoped that I would be excused.

"No, that would take forever. Just go outside, and air dry." My mother said while shaking her head.

I turned my head towards the back door, and back to my mother, "You mean out there?" I gestured towards the door.

"Yes, out there." My mother stated.

I bit my lips, and hesitantly made my way out to the back door. I looked around to see people lounging around, talking, eating and laughing. I ran my fingers through my wet hair, and I saw water running down my chest. I forgot I was wearing a bandeau, and shorts. I took the towel, and patted my chest down.

I looked up from patting my chest dry, I saw Eric standing next to the grill talking to my father, and he glanced up at me. I couldn't make eye contact with him for long, and looked away, "Hey, Van, what happened?" Rose asked me.

"The faucet's broken." I stated.

Rose pursed her lips at me, and nodded her head, "Well, water really goes with that outfit." Rose laughed.

I pushed Rose's shoulder, and smiled, "Yea, thanks." I mumbled.

"Hey." Rose whispered to me.

I looked down at Rose, and cocked an eyebrow at her, "What?" I asked curiously.

"You have an admirer..." She whispered, and a smiled formed on her face.

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