"They're bound to find someone better than me, there's no point even auditioning." Megs replied.

"Yes there is Megs! Imagine what Jay would be doing now if he had said that when auditioning for The Wanted! You would have never met Tom or Siva or Max or Nathan, think about how many great people you could meet being in a West End show!" I said enthusiastically

"Okay, I'll do it." Megs said and got out of the car.

"You ready?" I asked as we stood in front of the audition venue doors.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Megs replied and took my hand.

*End of Alfie's P.O.V*

*Jay's P.O.V*

I feel really good today and I'm not quite sure why. I just feel really really happy. Maybe it's because I spent the whole night with Ruth (not like that) last night. We just talked for hours, in between kissing. Ruth doesn't just feel like my girlfriend she feels like my best friend too. We can talk about anything and everything. It's just perfect.

I was interrupted mid thought by someone tapping me on the shoulder. "Morning." I said, even though I had not paid the slightest bit of attention to who it was.

"Are you okay Jay, you look like you're thinking." A deep gloucestershire voice said.

"Yeah I was thinking, is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"Depends what you were thinking about." Nath replied cheekily.

"I was just thinking about last night, that's all." I replied.

"What about Ruth staying over?" Nath asked.

" Yeah but now thinking about last night I have something to ask you." I replied.

"Ask away." Nath said, taking a sip of his tea.

"What did you say to Megs last night?" I asked.

"Not much, why?" Nath replied.

"Because it looked like she couldn't get away from you quick enough yesterday." I said.

"What do you mean?" Nath asked, acting like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"I mean why was Megs in such a hurry to get away from you yesterday." I replied.

" I didn't say anything to hurt her!" Nath said defensively.

"Then what did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing." Nath replied.

"I don't believe you, just be honest with me!" I said.

"Okay, I might have done something that took her by surprise." Nath said quietly.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I kissed her." Nath admitted.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"It just felt like the right thing to do at the time, I just couldn't help myself. We were just sitting quietly and I had to kiss her, I've waited five years to kiss her again and I could not wait any longer." Nath replied.

"Nath kissed Megs?" Tom asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah." Nath replied.

"Nice one mate, what did she do?" Tom asked.

"She went home." Nath replied.

"Oh, looks like you lost her then." Tom said.

"Yup, but they say third time lucky so maybe next time she won't leave." Nath said hopefully.

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