Peeta's blue eyes widen with hers.

"Don't say that word." Peeta says.

I laugh, "What word?"

"You know what word."

"Bath." I say and Peeta gasps.

Willow looks at him with her big blue eyes.

"Yeah, you gotta have a bath, baby girl." I tell her.

"I'll go set it up if you want to go get her some different clothes and a diaper." I tell him.

"Is she having a sink bath?" Peeta laughs.

"For now, yeah. The nurses told me it was easier."

I stand up and head into the kitchen, making sure the sink is perfectly clean. I grab a baby towel from the downstairs bathroom and some baby wash and a wash cloth.

Peeta comes down a minute later as I check and make sure the water is not too hot and not too cold. I think I got it perfect.

"Here, you can make her mad." Peeta says handing her to me.

I laugh, "I thought you wanted to be the one to give her baths."

"I can after you do it this time but I'll help you." He says.

"What's up? You did it the other day." I laugh and start stripping her down.

"I also had a trained professional helping me." He reminds me.

"Well, we are nearly in the same boat then." I laugh.

I walk over to the sink with my almost naked baby in my arms.

"Okay, I'll wash her if you hold her head and make sure she doesn't slip." I tell him, stripping her wet diaper off.

I dip her little toes in the warm water and she begins to whimper.

"It's okay." I say softly, sticking her bottom in and Peeta comes over.

I'm prepared for some crying and whining she does remarkably well.

"Do you want me to hold her while you wash her?" I ask him.

He nods his head and I show him the washcloth in the warm water below and he takes it, pouring a little bit of soap onto it.

I submerge her little bottom and legs in the water, holding her upright as Peeta gently begins washing her arms and legs with the washcloth. He washes her little feet and hands too. I repositioned her as he wipes her back and washes her hair with the warm, soapy water, wringing it onto her head. She blinks her eyes but never cries as we finish washing her face and head and everything else. After about five minutes, we are finished. Peeta grabs the towel and I pick her up out of the water and Peeta wraps her in the towel.

"And no tears." I say, satisfied with our teamwork.

He laughs, "Good job, Willow." He says, wrapping her tightly.

I drain the water and lean down, kissing the top of her clean head.

"All clean now." I say and Peeta pecks my lips.

"You may have to help me everytime if she cries with me next time." He laughs.

"We can do it together." I decide with a smile.

"She definitely got your facial expressions, the scowls and 'seriously?' looks." Peeta chuckles.

I smile and look down at her all bundled in his arms.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now