Chapter 7

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I massage my temples as my publicist and agent begin to squabble, some of the other actor's and actresses' agents and publicists doing the same.

Two hours ago I received an email from Victoria, the director for Pretty Popular Girl, demanding a meeting with all of the actors and actresses.

As soon as possible.

She has yet to show up, and when I reviewed the recipients for the email not five minutes ago, I noticed Jacob and Kate weren't on the list, even though they were supposed to be starring in the movie as well.

What was this all about?

I look away from Bree and Diego, my agent and publicist, to stare at the fully crowded table.

Everyone was here, I spotted Tanya Denali who gave me a friendly wave. She and I were good friends, despite her sister, and even though she had once fancied me, I let her know, kindly and in a gentlemanly fashion, I didn't share the interest. She hadn't taken it badly, and things got better between us when she found Garrett, her fiance. Her agent and publicist were also squabbling, filling the room with hushed but tense chatter.

Across from me sits Mike Newton and his girlfriend Jessica Stanley; they're whispering to one another, heads bent together as their publicists and agents pass notes.

Emmett was here too, sitting three chairs down from me, conversing with his agent, both of them laughing and having a good time.

I scanned the room for Bella, she had arrived before me and I hadn't had time to say hello.

I found her a few seconds later, sitting five chairs away from me, across the table, whispering to her agent and publicist.

Two weeks ago, she had emailed me and asked me to come over. I did, and that was when she kissed me.

Since then, things had felt as if we were teetering on the point of a knife.  I had taken her out once, but almost immediately the press descended on us like hawks, and we had to leg it out of there if we wanted to make it out alive.

Bella and I had agreed to keep our relationship quiet for now, whatever the relationship was. So dodging questions and evading the press was key. That night we just regrouped at Bella's house, eating Chinese take-out and watching old rom-coms until I had to go.

She kissed me again before I left, and when I got home, I was still grinning like a blithering idiot.

Alice called me later that night, she apparently could hear the smile in my voice, and after shooting an email off to Bella to double check, I coughed up entire the story.

My ears are still ringing from her squeals.

"This sucks," I mutter to myself as someone next to Bella, an actor, gets up and leaves the room.

Seize the opportunity.

I get up and quickly walk over to his seat, plopping down next to Bella who is looking at me in disbelief.

"Couldn't resist, could you?" She teases, wrinkling her nose. "I'm just too irresistible, aren't I?"

I laugh, ruffling her hair. "You would like to think that, wouldn't you?"

She nods, pursing her lips to keep from giggling.

The actor returns, and I get up from his seat just as a woman with wild red hair walks into the room.


I take my seat as she heads to the head of the table, a large folder in her hands. Papers are bursting from the thin, plastic thing that looks like it has seen better days.

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