**Chapter 8**

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I woke to a warm sensation behind me, as I slowly opened my eyes.

I was in a bed -that much was evident. But when I went to turn onto my side, a slight movement rustled the sheets near my feet.

I felt my eyebrows knit together slowly, not realizing the full concept of the situation.

I turned to look over my shoulder hesitantly. As my eyes focused on the pile of blankets, I realized that it wasn't just me in the bed- there was someone else in it too!

I gasped and sprang to my feet. Without a seconds notice -I swung my foot towards the intruder... In fact, I kicked him so hard that he rolled off the bed and landed face first into the floor.

"OW! What the hell was that for?!" A familiar voice shouted.

Eren slowly and painfully stood from his spot on the floor as he rubbed his sore head and ribs.

"Eren!?" I exclaimed, blushing, "What the hell are you doing in my room?! And in my bed?!"

"Your room?" Eren repeated, "This is a cell, (F/N)."

"What?" I questioned, appalled, but the more I looked around to take in the surroundings- the more it did seem to look like a prison. The stone walls, the dirty floor- and the steel bars.

"Well it seems as though the sleeping beauties have finally awoken." someone said beyond the cell.

Two figures emerged from the shadows, it was Erwin and Levi.

Levi looked almost sheepish; he was avoiding my gaze with all his might.

The events of the past came rushing back into my head so fast -it felt like a smack to the forehead. The Operation. The transformation...everything.

My heart sunk a little as I realized something. I was one of those disgusting beasts they called Titans. I felt like a monster- I had no place on Levi's team anymore after recent events. No wonder he wouldn't even look me in the eyes.

"I would appreciate a 'no blood policy' within the cells please," Erwin said, "No more kicking each other in the face."

He then went on about how Eren and you were a big break through in the history on titans, he also talked about Eren's father while he held up some sort of key.

Eren gasped at the sight, obviously it was of some importance to him but of what you weren't sure.

Erwin and Levi soon left, they established that there would be a court meeting about your... predicament. You were strongly against this decision- you didn't want to see Petra, Hanji or any of your former team members...not like this.

Eren was undoubtedly upset too, he started to pace as soon as they left.

"Eren-" you started, turning to him, "I apologize for kicking you- I- I didn't realize-"

Eren smiled then, "It's alright, (F/N). It just sort of caught me off guard-"

You returned a half-smile, "It surprised you?"

"Well ya- I mean when we were kids, you were- eh."

"I was what?" You give him a teasing smile and raise an eyebrow as if to say, 'Be careful what you say next.'

Eren simply stared at you for a second before saying, "You were so small and frail... I always felt to need to protect you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that- you've grown up into a strong and beautiful women."

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