**Chapter 3**

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Days passed and no one dared speak a word for the duration of our trip to the next most inner wall, Wall Rose.

I sat wedged in a corner of the ship -thinking about ways to get back to my father. I had made various attempts to jump off the side of the boat in my hysteria, but someone would always pull me back down -not to mention I couldn't swim...

Shortly after the take off of the boats there was another big 'crash' as an armored Titan breached Wall Maria, causing the land between Wall Maria and Wall Rose to become infested with Titans.

I hardly ate or slept for the days I stuck on that ship.I felt vulnerable without someone with me. An uncomfortable ache had settled within me -I really was all alone now.

Dad was gone. Mikasa. Armin. Eren. All gone.

Suddenly the ship stopped, which snapped me out of my daze. I slowly stood as a large shadow cast itself upon every passenger. Wall Rose was only feet away.

Something in the pit of my stomach lurched and I felt sick to my stomach. Swaying, I latched onto the wooden railing in an attempt not to spill my guts all over the deck.

The boat lurched to the left and I feel over, landing on my side as people shouted at the conductor.

"Why aren't we going in the district?"

"How come we are taking a different route?"

I looked up weakly through the space in the railings to see the first rescue boat smoothly making its way into the gates of Wall Rose.

"Attention!" I heard someone call, "Everybody calm down!"

The people demanded why we were headed in the opposite direction of their friends and loved ones.

"There is only enough resources to go around in each district. Our new region will have a hard enough time to feed an extra boat full of people -not to mention two. Which is why we must separate." The voice, I could only assume was the conductors said.

Many were outraged at this and protested against the separation for hours and hours, right up until we reached the next district which we would call our new home...

Piling off the boat like a herd of sheep without a Shepard -the people of the Shinganshina district didn't know what to do with themselves, and neither did I.

I roamed around aimlessly for a good while. My mind blank...and the next thing I knew it was dark outside. Hours had passed by and I didn't even realize.

Walking a little further I saw a bed of hay laying out near a tree and decided to rest there.

I sat in the uncomfortable stack and simply gazed up at the stars.

A switch seemed to flip in my mind at that moment. No one was around me -which meant no one would hear me cry.

I lifted up the hand holding my mother's necklace to see that my hand had streams of dried blood encrusted into my skin. I painfully opened my hand and saw the bleeding nail marks in my skin where I clenched my hand.

I picked up the locket with the other hand and simply stated at it. I didn't want to open it. I feared it would open bleeding wounds in my heart.

An hour or so passed and curiosity got the better of my and I worked up the courage to open it.

Expecting a drawn portrait of me and my father, I found that the portrait of dad was still there but my picture was missing...and in it's place, was a picture of mom.

I stayed completely still -I didn't want to move or blink. I feared that the faces of my beloved parents would vanish if I did. I wanted to take as much of it in as I could.

I cried my heart out and possibly more.

Dad's voice echoed in my head suddenly. 'Stay with Eren.' He had said.

But that was impossible, Eren was probably dead too. Along with Mikasa and Armin. My closest friends in the world.

Guilt settled in me. How come I was the only one to survive? I should've died with them. And now I can't even fulfill my fathers last wish for me...

But I would get my revenge. I would join the Survey Corp -and become a Scout. I will destroy every and all Titan's who stand in my way.

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