Chapter 16

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*Amanda's POV*

I woke up and saw no one in the room. I guess Kayla went to get breakfast...

I decided to pick out an outfit. I grabbed a white lace cardigan, and a tight spotted dress that showed my curves. I took w quick shower and got dressed I topped my outfit off this my black lace up wedges.

I check my phone. It's only 10 and Digi tour starts at 5 I still have 7 hours to kill.

"Hey" Kayla said walking in our hotel room.

"Hey are Madison, Maggie and jj's sister here" I asked.

"The boys just went to pick them up from the airport" Kayla said while brushing her teeth.

*Cam's POV*

I've changed a lot since I got out of prison. I understand what I did to Kayla was wrong and I hope she forgives me. I'm going to the airport with the boys right now to pick up these new girls who will be on tour with us.

We just arrived at taut poet and jj went to get the girls. I saw Johnson and the girls walking toward us.

"Hey I'm Madison-Madison beer" a girl said hugging me. "Um hey im ca-" I was cut off.

"Yes your Cameron I know we are going to be very close friends" she said winking at me.

Well then...

I looked up and saw a perfect girl looking at me. She smiled softly and looked back down.

She started walking over to me "Hey I'm Kelsey jj's sister." She said looking down at her shoes. I grabbed her face so that I could see her eyes they where perfect!

"Don't look down let me say that pretty face" I said making her giggle.

"Look ill talk to you later johnson's calling me it was nice meeting you I'll see you around." Kelsey said smiling and walking away.


"Heyyy I'm Maggie" a girl said shaking my hand.

"Hey I'm Cameron" I said.

We all hoped in the car. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable because Madison was just staring at me biting her lip.

All I could think about is me and Kelsey. She was perfect. I know I just met her but I think I'm in love...

*kayla's POV*

Me and Amanda where playing Xbox when we heard a knock the boys must be back. I got up and ran to the door. "Hey guys" I yelled sitting back down.

"Omg is that evil within I live that game" a girl yelled sitting down with me and Amanda.

"Oh hey I'm Kayla Sam's sister and this is my best friend Amanda." I said smiling.

"I'm maggie umm do you mind if I play?" She asked shaking my hand. I handed her one of the remotes and we all played the game.

"I think we are gonna get along well" Maggie, Amanda, and I said laughing.

"I just realized I haven't seen jj's sister or Madison even tho I hate Madison." I said.

"I don't really know Madison but I'm pretty sure I won't like her either" Maggie said pointing out the open door.

We all turned to see Madison rapping her legs around shawn's waist and them practically making out. I stood up and slammed my door earning laughs from Shawn and Madison.

I started crying.

"Its going to be okay" Amanda and Maggie said hugging me.

A girl walked in I'm guessing it was jj's sister. "Oh my god what happened!" She yelled walking over to me. "Boys happened" I said still crying.

"Boys are dumb asses do you guy want to go to the ice cream shop I'll drive!" She Said

" lets go Girls" I said laughing. And running to the door.

"Bye the way I'm Kayla" I
Said smiling.

"I'm Kelsey" she said smiling.

We got back to the hotel and opened all the tubs of icecream we bought. I then turned on my favorite show "Vampire Diaries".

We all got tired so I turned off the tv. I had to share a bed with Maggie. Amanda has to share a bed with Kelsey I hate sharing.

I check all of my social media and fell asleep still remembering what Shawn and Madison did.

I sat up and turned the lap on. "Wake up bitches" I yelled. They all say up with wide eyes.

"I want to prank Madison for all the shit she has put me threw." I said.

"I'm in" they all said.

I called cam to come over and help out.

*madison's POV*

I was in bed with Shawn when I got a text from and unknown number.

Unknown number: hey is cam meet me on the roof ;).

I saw the text and immediately put on a long t-shirt I grabbed my phone and quietly walked out the room. I walked up the stair to the roof and saw cam sitting down looking at the stars. I shut the door behind me and walked over the the blanket. "Hey cam" I said sitting down. "Why do you have this blanket covering you." I yanked it of what the heck it's a blow up doll. I turned around and saw something in the dark hiding.

"Cam don't hide from me." I said walking closer.

That's when three figures walked out holding axes In there hands. What the heck. They had mask on it was scary.

I ran to the door and twisted the knob it was locked. I started to bang on the door I say down and started
To yell.

They got really close that's when whip cream went everywhere "scary smack cam bitch" they yelled pulling the
Mask off.

"Guys why would you do that" I said faking my laugh.

"Maybe because you continue
To ruin my life" Kayla said.

"Just because I can get guys and you can't because your
Ugly doesn't mean you have to do stupid shit like this" I
Said opening the now unlocked door and slamming it.

*maggie's POV*

I'm so glad I came here Kayla, Amanda, amd Kelsey are so much fun and so sweet.

We just scared Madison and it was hilarious. We just got back to out room and went to sleep after grabbing food.


Okay guys I hope you all enjoyed this long ass chapter.(lol) I love u guys... U make me smile and remember to stay updated. And share this book. THANK YOU SO MUCH ILY!!!😏❤️🎉

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