Chapter 8

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*Kaylas POV*

I woke up to a buzzing sound.
"Unknown: u thought u could just forget about me well u can't better watch out for Shawn!" "Damn"

I put on my joggers and crop top and ran down stairs. I grabbed the keys and told Gilinsky to take to to the hospital. Without question he got in the car.

*shawns POV*

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up to what feels like year I was in a white room. I looked at the window to see the sun peaking threw the curtains.

I heard foot steps come out of the bathroom...

"Shiloh" I whispered. Without saying anything she Leaned in and kissed me. "Ow what the hell" I felt a sharp pain in my side I've been stabbed. "BEEEEEEEP" everything got blurry. Next thing I knew everything went black.

*Gilinsky POV*

Kayla and I still haven't talked since the kiss. We arrived at the hospital and we rushed in. The elevator was to slow so we used the stairs. When we got to the 3rd floor there where people rushing around everywhere. Huh weird...

Three nurses ran by rolling someone down the hall way. "Shit Its Shawn!" Kayla fell on the floor with tears rushing down her face. I held her in my arms it just felt right.

It's go- I was interrupted by her phone buzzing. "Unknown:I see u got my surprise haha!"

*Kaylas POV*

My phone buzzed... Unknown: I see u got my surprise haha!"

Me: what do u want from me!

Unknown: JACK!

I dropped my phone and looked up at Jack. He had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry" I whispered. I pulled out a gun and shot him. "Goodbye!haha" I yelled.

I grabbed the keys from Jack and ran. I was speeding over the bridge. BOOM my car flipped into the water I struggled and struggled to get out but I just kept sinking.

Everything went black...


This was a short but interesting chapter and I'll be updating soon... Thanks for all the view I honestly love u guys please keep reading! Again I love u byeeeee!;)

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