Chapter 11

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*One week later*
*Amandas POV*

It's been a week. We found cam and turned him in for sexual assault. I really do miss him but there are two things you don't mess with my best friend and my feelings! It was Friday and school started Monday so Kayla, Matt, Sam and I decided to call the guys and see if they wanted to hang out today.

All the boys said yes so we are going to have a movie/game night.

They all arrived so we decided to play "call of duty".

"HEY let's play truth or dare!" Taylor yelled smirking over at me.

Weird asf

"No" I said smirking back.

"Oh I get it your scared well guys Amanda's scar-

"I'm not scared lets play Caniff! I yelled. "Oooo lets play baby" Tay said sending chills down my spine. He must of noticed because that smirk on his gorgeous face got bigger.

That's weird I can't have feelings for Taylor.

*Starting game*

Okay truth or dare Amanda? Gilinsky asked flashing a perfect smile. "Dareeee" I said.

I dare you to go in the closet for 7 minutes with_____taylor.

My cheeks started to heat up. I can't do this I ran upstairs to the guest Kayla room and opened the door to see her and Shawn having a make out session.


I ran to sams room since he's like a brother to me and I knocked. "Come in" he yelled.

I walked in slowly and sat by him. "What's up Mandy" Sam said in a cheerful tone. I broke out in tears.

Why am I even crying.

Sam grabbed my face and pulled it up to where I was just centimeters away...

We both Leaned in and it got heated!

He pulled of his shirt and started to unbelted his pants.

"I can't" I whispered holding back.

"Well do you want to cuddle and watch some tv then?" He asked. "I would love too" I said with a smile plastered on my face.

He pulled me into his chest and held my like cam used to. I felt safe again soon I dosed off to sleep.

*Taylor POV*

I don't know what I did to make Amanda hate me but I feel so bad right now. I have to go apologize. I walked upstairs and went to kayla's room.

Shawn and kayla where in bed cuddling. "Oh sorry but have you seen Amanda" I asked worried.

"I think she went to talk to Sam about something I don't really know" Kayla answered.

I walked up too Sams door and put my ear on it silent I opened the door and Mandy rapped in his arms.

I walked down stair with tears threatening to fall from my eyes...

I walked out of the house and started to drive. I stopped at the store and bought a giant bear and flowers.

She will be mine!


HEY GUYS/GIRLS I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please stay tuned for better chapters and hopefully more updates... Love u. GOOODBYE❤️😊

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