-"This is wonderful Sarah"-I say softly.

-"It is because you're beside me, I found this place by accident...I thought it was beautiful, but with you by my side everything seems much more beautiful...thank you"-she says and surprisingly her husky voice sounds gentle and even sweet. I blush and look at her surprised.

-"Thanks to you Sarah...for bringing me here, I enjoy being with you"-I smile at her as bright as I can, what's this I'm feeling? For now...I'll just enjoy.


I finish the extra training Sir Evan asigned to me and shut my eyes relaxing.


-"Faythe! Yes?"-I open my eyes and smile at her warmly.

-"How are you feeling?"-she sits down beside me.

-"I'm fine don't worry"-she makes me feel a warm sensation across my chest, far warmer than fire, and it doesn't hurt like rage does.
-"I'm glad"-she closes her eyes.

-"How about you? How are you feeling?"-

-"A bit scared...I want everything to be perfect, I can't make any mistakes and let down my father again"-

-"I think...I think that he doesn't deserve so much effort from your part, you're doing a terrific job...he should be proud of you already! I know I am, you turned into a strong brave warrior
...well, you always were you just realized it"-I speak with the truth looking into her gorgeous eyes. She smiles her eyes shining, her cheeks blushed slightly. She hugs me surprising me, slowly I hug her back and hold her close...I am alive...I'm alive when I'm with you...

-"You taught me well, you're also a new person! You seem less shy and more confident, you don't breathe fire like before and your eyes are less pained"-she speaks sweetly making me smile, I have changed? Screams...pain...blood...your fault...your fault...I cover my mouth and fall back.

-"Ryuko?! What's wrong?"-she stands up worried for me.

-"I'm alright...I...I just remembered..."-dark memories invade my mind, the horrible truth.

-"Ryuko please calm down"-she helps me up and holds me close, death...this is all your fault...cries...

-"Get away from me! I..."-my voice gets cut off by the soldiers yelling.

-"What's going on?"-Faythe blinks confused, my mind goes black and I freeze for a second.

-"Maybe we should go outside"-I tell her carefully preparing myself for fighting if needed.

-"Spirits are attacking the town!"-one of the guards screams, spirits?! Spirits don't attack towns! We exchange a look and run outside. Groups of soldiers are running towards the town.

-"Fay! Ryuko!"-Ruth runs to us along with Min.

-"What happened?"-Faythe asks slightly panting.

-"Spirits are attacking people!"-Min says enraged.

-"It doesn't seem right..."-Faythe says unsure. It doesn't sound right, spirits don't attack people...but humans do attack spirits.

-"Are you sure they are attacking people?"-I ask my voice cold and cutting, Min blinks surprised and looks at me. My eyes must be shinning bright red...

-"We must go and help!"-Ruth runs along with the soldiers, I quickly follow her, Min and Faythe right behind me. When we get to the town we find chaos. People are screaming and running around...this is my people...why did I come back? I caused this...this is all my fault...

-"RYUKO WATCH OUT!"-Faythe shouts and pushes me aside, when I open my eyes again I'm seeing the present not the past anymore. The spirits are here, but I can clearly see they weren't the ones causing trouble in the first place.

-"Are you two alright?!"-Moonlight comes running to us, Natasha is with her.

-"Yes...we're fine"-Faythe replies and stands up then helps me up.

-"Spirits aren't the ones causing trouble, look at the people, their energy...they are full of hatred, anger, fear. Those feelings affect the spirits, my question is...what are they doing here?"-I explain to them looking at the chaos.

-"Ryuko! Faythe!"-a familiar voice says from behind our backs, we turn around to find Kenneth in his human form.

-"Kenneth! Explain what the hell is going on"-I say feeling fire about to burn on my finger tips.

-"We came here to look for you two...but there was a woman speaking about how evil spirits are, the crowd quickly got excited ranting against us...some of our group got affected and tried to speak in our favor, when they realized we were spirits they started to attack us"-Kenneth explains rather quickly but I follow every word, as I thought spirits didn't come to attack.

-"I get it, why looking for us?"-I ask looking into his eyes.

-"Zethyr told me to do so"-he replies and Faythe gasps by my side, so he is alive? I'm so glad.

-"I'm glad he's alive, but this isn't helping to protect Hosho...now they have excuses to attack your home"-I say softly.

-"I know...please help us, we need you, more and more people are joining the Queen's soldiers to destroy our home..."-his eyes are desperate, I will help, this time I won't turn my back to the people who need me.

-"We will help you don't worry"-Faythe says smiling at him, I nod confirming what she just said.

-"Now how do we stop this"-I look at the people screaming not sure of what to do next.

-"Fake fighting"-Faythe says and smiles at me.

-"Fake fighting?"-I look at her a bit confused but intrigued.

-"We will fight the spirits and get them to go back to Hosho, spirits are sensitive to energy right?"-Faythe asks looking at Kenneth who looks just as intrigued.

-"We are...if you keep in mind and feel like you don't want to hurt them, even if you act very well and attack they will realize your real intentions"-Kenneth says looking from Faythe the chaos and then back at her.

-"Great then that's our plan"-I say sure that we can do this.

-"Count us in!"-Moonlight who has been listening the whole time says and the rest nod in agreement.

-"Then let's go"-Faythe gives out a war scream and runs towards the spirits, soon we follow behind taking out our swords but keeping in our minds and hearts that we don't wish to hurt them. This has to work...this is our only chance.

Hello lovely readers! I hope you're alright, sometimes we feel like we shouldn't go on anymore but I can assure you, there's always a reason to keep on fighting! I hope you enjoyed this chapter remember to comment and vote.

With much love Bel :3

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