I decided to roam around the city using my skateboard.

Minutes passed of skateboarding, I heard a scream of help on a dark alley as I passed by and I quickly get to the rescue.

I saw a girl surrounded by 3 guys.

"Please don't! Let me go!" the girl screamed as she tried to free herself from their strong grip.

The three horndogs laughed.

"I'll bet you'll enjoy it babe" the other one said.

"Leave that girl alone!" I said firmly.

"And who are you?" Asked the guy #1

"It doesn't matter" I said then guy#1 charged at me.

I punched him square in the jaw, he recovered and threw a punch I dodged and kicked him on the crotch I bet that really hurts because his eyes grew wide and he yelped then fell on his knees since combat boots is hard and sturdy and i kicked hard, guy#2 and guy#3 put down the girl and help their friend.

I got my baton since they have a weapon already which is a baseball bat, he swung his bat to hit me but I blocked it with my baton and hit the back of his head and he was knocked out cold.

The other held me in a chokehold, but I elbowed him hard and judoflipped him, and punched the daylights out of him.

Then guy#1 recovered from his position earlier.

"Want me to kick your ass also?" I asked him and give him an intimadating stare.

"N-no" he said stuttering and ran away.

Then I went to the side of the girl who is left on her bra and pants shaking in fear on the corner.

"Hey there, are you okay?" I asked her with concern.

"Y-yes I-I'm o-okay, t-thank you" she said stuttering.

"No problem" I said smiling although she will not be able to see it because of my mask, I got my backpack and got my hoodie out and gave it to her.

"T-thanks ninja" she said then put on the hoodie.

I stood up and helped her to stand, "so what's your name?" I asked her.

"My name's Aubrey, and I am walking home when those guys came out of nowhere" she said.

"Just next time be careful, we do not know what was on the mind of people nowadays" I said.

"Thank you so much for saving me, and how do I return this hoodie to you?" She asked.

"Keep it" I told then gave here a friendly salute then took off.

Not bad for the first night of being the ninja.


I've been being the ninja every night roaming around the city and saving someone which was fun to do.

I've manage to save people from the bad guys and I'm all over the news.

I managed to caught the criminals who tried to rob a bank.

It feels great, I feel like a real life superhero.

Now I am resting here in my room after my night watch as I call it. Then my phone rang and I checked the caller's ID and it says mom. I answered.

"Hey mom! How are you?" I asked happily

"We're fine sweetie, I've heard that you have saved the life of a little girl from the burning building and now you're roaming around the city and saving lives also am I right?" She asked.

"Yes mom" I said

"We're proud of you sweetie, your dad and I" she said with love in her voice.

"Thanks mom" I told her "So how's your mission going?" I asked her.

"The mission is doing great honey" she said.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's called by the captain, he's so proud of you" she said I smiled.

"Oh mom I missed you, both of you" I said with longing in my voice.

"We missed you too honey, but we have a task for you will you accept it? She asked me.

"What is it?" I asked with interest.

"Do you remember Rob?" She asked me.

"Yes how could I forget my body guard when I was a little kid? And I missed him, why mom?" I asked excitedly.

"He needs help in protecting a certain famous group from their crazy stalkers and I want you to help him and be his partner in protecting them, do you accept?" She asked.

"A hundred times yes mom" I answered without hesitation.

"Great!" My mom said from the other line.

"What group will I protect from their crazy stalkers?" I asked her.

"Fifth Harmony" she said, "but you will be their secret bodyguard honey, and you'll go with them on their tour and don't worry about school because you have a bunch of diploma already, I gotta go sweetie the captain is calling me, love you" she said.

"Love you too mom" I said then she hanged up.

Holy guacamole I will be touring with Fifth Harmony and will become their secret body guard, this means I will see Lauren again, After three years.

Hope this made your day! ^_^

Thanks for the votes and positive feedbacks for the book. I love you all

Your Hero (Lauren/you)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora