Chapter 1 : The assassin arrives in shonobi village

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"Um.. Where am I?"

All around me was a great expanse of greenery. This didn't seem like the Empire... How troublesome...

I walked on... Finding a conventional Japanese backdrop. People were giving me a strange look...

Was it so rare to have red eyes? I am sure black hair doesn't stand out much...

"Hey brat, don't you know kids shouldn't be travelling alone? Which place are you affiliated with?"

The man seemed to be in a terrible mood... It would do better to send him off quickly. Let's just answer his question.

"Night Raid team of the revolutionary army" ( Refer to Akame ga kill wiki)

The man looked at me with no signs of having ever heard it... How weird. I was sure that my 'wanted' pictures made me pretty famous. Seemed like he was just an ignorant fool. The only thing I could do was ask where I was... Maybe I was far away from the Empire.

Who would have thought that I would find out in sometime that I was actually insanely far away from the Empire...

"This is the land of fire,you brat. Too bad for you that children should graduate from Konohagakure first before walking around like they own the place. "

The land of fire? What the heck was that? It was quite a weird name for a country... But first things first. I would have to get rid of this man.

"Slice through, Murasame!"

The man dropped to the floor. As ever my kills were quick. I didn't prefer giving time for my opponents time to react... Besides the only one who can match my Imperial arms Murasame can only be another imperial arms.

The man dropped to the floor with a thud. My hands were still tingling slightly... I had never killed someone for my own purposes before...

But this was unavoidable. There was no mistaking that he was a thug. The fact that he was after my wallet was one thing... Plus the fact that his head band (which had some sort of affiliation mark on it) had been slashed on indicating that he had deflected from that group.

I walked on...since there was no one around... It meant that there was no witness to my kill.

A while later I came upon a huge red entrance gate with fire written in big letters. Behind the gate was a village...

Great. Just what I need. I was finished and needed rest... Not to mention I could ask the way to the Empire later.

"Izumo, you shouldn't keep the paper so close to your face. The paper will be smeared with all the grease from your hair"

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