Phandom Phiction-Chapter 12-Phil's POV

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I closed his hand.

I walked ahead of him about 3 paces before he joined me, I smiled at him blissfully as he took my hand and we travelled through the building, to the doors and out.

We never spoke a word as we went, but it wasn't awful at all. It was pleasant, it was kind, it was gentle. It made me entirely thankful just to have him by me, and to know he wouldn't be sad anymore.

Even if these were the last weeks of either if us, I don't think either of us would care; because now we have a little piece of each other to save us.

We stepped outside into the carpark. A flurry of cold air soothed me, a calming change from what was effectively the sauna which I ad lived in for those three weeks. Dan teetered up onto his tiptoes as he looked around for something. He gestured his hand toards something meakly before dragging me off towards a taxi.

" 'eya! You get to talk to m' son 'r did y' just gerr'im?" The taxi driver pointed towards me with a smile.

"I'm so sorry sir, but as you might have guessed they are rather pushy in that... uh.... well I don't want to offend Phil here but it was quite a hell-hole!" Dan laughed.

"Aye, but eh did y' get him out alright?" The man asked, pulling out into the road, "Uh... Wha's yeh name son?" he turned to look at me through the top mirror.

I looked at Dan who smiled comfortingly at me. "Phil, sir." I mumbled.

"You okay Phil?" He asked me, a sort of kind and brave look on his face.

"I guess so," I shrugged, "All I want to do now is get back home and to my lovely internet." I chuckled.

"Oh aye! M' daughte' said summert about you 'oo t'other day. She misses yeh, a reet lot! She were wond'rin' if yeh'd ever be back." He stopped at a crossing, "Yeh'r Phil and Dan, off'a youtube right?"

"Yup! That's us!" Dan laughed.

On the way back we just talked, I mean Dan and the driver did, I wasn't quite up for a chat myself so I just listened to the two accents. One from the north, one from the south. It had occured to me how strange it was that they could speak in such different ways and still understand each other.

We arrived back at our Manchester flat and waved goodbye to the driver. It was strange but I think I had just gained a friend. An odd friend, a strange friend, but a friend nevertheless.

"Please tell your daughter that we shall be posting tonight. Thankyou sir, have a good 'un!" Dan smiled as the taxi pulled away.

Me and Dan both walked upstairs, not bothering with the lift.

"Hey, Phil, are you sure you're okay?" Dan pulled me round as soon as we had gotten into the flat.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him in for a massive hug.

"Yes." I nodded as I buried my head into his neck, "As long as I'm with my beautiful brown-eyed boy, I'll be okay. I love you Dan." I squeezed him tight.

"I love you too." He replied, almost inaudible to anyone except me.

We remained in eachother's embrace for a few minutes longer before Dan pulled away and we made our way into the lounge, as he tugged me by my arms close behind him.

I turned on the telly as Dan flopped onto the sofa, I collapsed ontop of him and smiled up at him, "Never leave me, Dan?" I asked as I stared pleadingly into his eyes. "Never, my perfect lion, not ever."

I shuffled into his lap and fell asleep about 10 minutes later. Dan had his arms wrapped around me, I loved it, it was like he was protecting me. Nothing could have been better than this. With my beautiful... well boyfriend I guess... behind me, my happy, open future ahead, nothing was ever going to stop me again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2013 ⏰

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