Phandom Phiction-chapter 5 still Dan's POV

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Usually me and Phil fight over who sat next to the window, and I'd always win. But today seemed to be the exception.

He sat by the window. He was just sat staring out of it. Every so often he would pop his head up as though he was looking for something. But it wasn't there, so he just sunk his head down into the window again for a little while longer.

"Would your friend like something to eat?" Asked one of the air staff.

I looked at Phil and he just shook his head.

The staff asked the same of me. I replied "yes" trying to remain as cheery as I could, then I noticed that she had also left something for Phil just I case. I mouthed 'thanks' to her as she pottered off to the next row of people.

I put Phil's snack(sorry I couldn't think of what I could use/say) on his tray hopefully, though he just nudged it away and then is when I had lost my patience for him.

I had had enough of his silence, so about an hour before the plane landed I tapped Phil on the shoulder and said "Phil, please. What's going on? You won't be able to keep this up forever."

He looked up at me and sighed. "Nothing Dan, just leave it. Look we're nearly in England now, please just leave it." He turned back to the window to gaze through it just once more before we landed.

I was trying desperately to contain my anger and my attempt to conceal it seemed to be working, though my struggles were starting to show.

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