Chapter 13

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Night shined through the window, casting down upon my shaking body. I didn't dare move as I sobbed for hours. Now my eyes were dry and bloodshot.

I shuffled uncomfortably as I stared at the wooden cabinets. My gaze faltered to the razor laid on the floor near my feet. I sniffled slightly and leaned my head back against the wall, closing my eyes and letting my mind drift.

"Lachlan, we are re-homing you, since your parents suffered a fatality." My gaze stayed glued to the hardwood flooring. My world collapsing was the only thing I could feel or see. "You will be moving to Northen London." I snapped my gaze to the woman before me. "Excuse me? No I'm not." I snapped, anger boiling through my veins. "I personally like it here." She gave a pity filled look. "Come on, sweetie. Your flight will be boarding any moment now." I glared at her before turning and running out of the airport. I cried heavily as I didn't dare look back at the woman just trying to help me move on. I stumbled before falling in a dark alley, crying loudly. I felt a pair of hands grasp my shoulder as I snapped my eyes to the presence of who was there. Four males stood, concern on their features. "Hello, I'm Mitch. This is Rob, Jerome, and Preston." He said as he pointed to who was who. I sniffled and stood up, "I'm Lachlan."

I clenched my teeth tighter, my mind reliving every memory I had suppressed in hopes of them never returning.

"Lachlan?" I heard call out in the silent air. I snapped my eyes open and shuttered in fear. Someone was here. Banging erupted through the atmosphere, making my stomach twist. I glanced down at my appearance. My arms and clothes were soaked. The floor was covered in pools of crimson. They would know who I really am! I don't want them to.

My breathing became rapid as I fixated my gaze to the bathroom door. I heard a door smash down, then even more knocking. "Lachlan? Are you in there?" I shriveled in my posture, sinking down the wall further. I watched slowly as the doorknob turned and then the door began to open.

My eyes full of fear watched as it showed who was behind the wooden barrier. Vikk. He let a shaky sigh leave his mouth as he collapsed beside me and ran his fingers across my chin. "Why?" He whispered with a broken voice. I felt my heart jumping in my chest as I could barely gather air. "I ruin-ruined your friendship. I don't deserve lo-friends."

My eyes met his and I froze. His eyes looked dull and fading in that normally bright hazel. "You didn't. I chose to leave them. You're worth it." I could see he was fighting back tears as he caressed my cheek. I bit my lip and looked to my knees, observing the creases in my jeans. I felt his presence leave briefly before he returned and began to wipe my arms off with a cloth. I felt him sit down beside me and put an arm around my shoulder.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he cleaned me off. An occasional whimper would leave my lips as he wiped over the fresh marks, but he would soothe me by softly rubbing my shoulder with his hand that was around me. My heart was pounding against my chest and every soft contact sent chills down my spine.

I watched him finish wiping the blood away. We sat in silence as he pulled me further into him. His free arm grabbed for my hand, intertwining our fingers. I smiled brightly as I closed my eyes. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and sighed in relief. I felt guilty for what I had endured on myself, but sometimes self control just isn't an option.

My mind began to wonder as I sunk further into his side, closing my eyes tighter than I had them. "I care about you, Lachlan." I was in utter shock. Did he mean that? He couldn't have. It's just the bloodloss taking its toll on my subconscious.

"Lachlan?" I opened my eyes and caught his gaze, "Yeah?" His face became flustered. "Lachlan." I gave him a look to continue, but I found myself slipping away. "Lachlan, wake up!" I was falling, watching everything I care for fall like it was nothing. "Please." Was the last I heard.

I fell into nothing but a blank abyss. It was like a canvas, in a way. I waved my hand before my body, seeing a light fly behind it. I cocked my head at the sight, slightly dazed by this strange, yet fascinating aura. I began to cast a circle, then a square, and finally a heart. It all faded soon after, dispelling into the black world I had been engulfed in.

I looked down at my still falling body, watching my clothes flail about in the wind that blew past me in gusts of violent whips. I caught glimpse of something glowing under my shirt and began to remove it with no effort really used; since I was practically falling and it would seem like a difficult process.

My chest was radiating a bright red glow and my skin was peeled to the sides of my ribs, exposing my beating heart that pulsed with every beat. I was disgusted, yet intrigued by this. I could properly define every purple vein that ran along the casing of the soft surface. Every blood vessel that flowed through the capillaries and arteries seemed slightly darker than you would think they should resemble.

I was startled as my heart began to beat rapidly with a god awful banging noise erupting from somewhere. I watched in terror as a small crack formed near the top, slowly growing and spreading like a deadly virus. Soon, my entire heart was covered in small, curved cracks. I have never felt more fragile in my entire existence. It was like one wrong move or jerk could literally be my downfall. Like if I were to smash into the ground at this very moment, my complete heart would shatter and end up cutting every organ within my body.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, taking in the surroundings of an all too familiar hospital. My forehead was covered in sticky sweat, obviously from the nightmarish dream. This place brings back all-to-familiar memories. I've been here countless times for self-harm. The nurses and doctors knew me by name; that was pretty pathetic and sad.

I sighed heavily as I glanced around, the blare of my heart monitore making my stomach twist. My arm was oddly burning, and I found the urge to scratch at it. When I reached for my arm, a thick bound was wove around it.

With a puzzled expression, I shot my eyes up to scan the room. I firstly saw that Vikk was laid asleep in the chair beside the bed I was laying in. His soft and slow snores like whispers to my ears. He looked so peaceful, yet his eye-lids were sealed tightly. He seemed frightened almost. What could harm such a strong being?

I gently went to reach for his arm but hesitated. Why was I here? That had yet to cross my mind, and I was a little blown away that it hadn't. I glanced back at my arm, the bandage wrapped tightly and strapped securely. What was this from? Had I drifted unconscious after laying against Vikk? Or did it go further back? Had all that bonding never happened? For all I know, he could have just picked me up after a brutal beating and brought me here because it was more harsher than any I had endured before. But that wouldn't make sense. I didn't feel any pain in any other place besides both my arms.

I looked to my bed, mind wandering with possible ideas as to why I was here. Firstly, I need to find out how much of that was reality and lastly, why Vikk is asleep in a chair beside the bed.

I finally brought up the courage to shake him awake by a firm push to the shoulder. He jerked awake, eyes flying open and a worried expression crossing his features. Then, he calmed like he remembered why he was here. I stared at him before he looked over at me, joy striking his eyes like a snake with its fangs ready to attack. "You're awake!" He cheered, throwing his arms around me in a caring hug. I was took back by the action but reluctantly hugged back, enjoying his smell that seemed so similar to cinnamon.

"What happened?" I questioned. He pulled away, fear setting in his face. "Do you remember anything?" I was confused. Why would he ask that? Maybe my question pointed to amnesia or anything of that sort. "I do. I just want to know how I got here." I was pretty eager at this point to know how far it had got. Was most of that seemingly real reality just some vivid dream? I hope not.

How far had my vivid dream gone? I just beg it wasn't all just my imagination at play. I wouldn't mind having the one who beat me senseless my silent love that only I knew about. But why would he beat me if he was just hugging me? Life is confusing..

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