Christmas Invasion: Bye, Bye Hand

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The moments after the surprise kiss and the Doctor passing out (again), were actually quite calm considering.

I was now seated next to the Doctor, back in bed, who now had sweat covering his brow as he slept fitfully. He did not look good at all. Surprisingly though my headache had completely vanished

Mickey and Jackie were discussing the computer and such while Rose and I sat in silence.

It was so awkward.

"It's midnight. Christmas day." Jackie commented before looking over at Rose and me sitting near the Doctor. "Any change?"

I stayed quiet, letting Rose answer with a shake of her head "He's worse. Just one heart beating."

"Scientists in charge of Britain's mission to Mars have re-established contact with the Guinevere One space probe. They're expecting the first transmission from the planet's surface in the next few minutes." The reporter spoke from the TV, breaking the silence that had ensued.

A man, obviously the scientist came onto the screen. "Yes, we are. We're, we're back on schedule. We've received the signal from Guinevere One. The Mars landing would seem to be an unqualified success."

I've definitely been gone for a while, I didn't even know there was anything to do with Mars going on...

"But is it true that you completely lost contact earlier tonight?" the reporter asked.

The scientist nodded "Yes, we had a bit of a scare. Guinevere seemed to fall off the scope, but, it was just a blip. Only disappeared for a few seconds."

Okay, I'm kinda bored now, traveling the universe has definitely desensitized me to alien planets.

"Here we go, pilotfish," Mickey spoke up, causing Rose to get up and look at the computer. I also stood but a bit further back. "Scavengers, like the Doctor said. Harmless. They're tiny. But the point is, the little fish swim alongside the big fish."

"Do you mean like sharks?" Rose asked.

Mickey nodded. "Great big sharks. So, what the Doctor means is, we had them, now we get that." As Mickey spoke a large animated shark appeared on the screen in attack mode. Well that was slightly freaky

"So, something is coming." I spoke up, causing both Rose and Mickey to turn and look at me "How close?"

Mickey shrugged "There's no way of telling, but the pilot fish don't swim far from their daddy."

"So, it's close?" Rose asked.

"Funny sort of rocks," Jackie spoke, causing us to all turn around to see what she was looking at on the TV.

"The first photographs" the reporter spoke.

I looked intently at the screen. That was so not rocks.

"That's not rocks" Rose voiced my thoughts.

The reporter started to speak again "This image is being transmitted via mission control, coming live from the depths of space on Christmas morning."

Then the picture became clearer, with some red-eyed, kinda ugly (no offense to them or anything) alien with some head thing like a goat's skull. It growled at the screen causing all of us to jump back slightly, startled.

What the hell was that thing?


I lay next to the Doctor in the Tyler's spare room, my head rested on his shoulder. Willing him to wake up

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