Dalek: Just As Alone As I Am

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Thanks though for everything. Catch you on the flipside, big ears." My voice broke at the end as I stood up to face the Dalek, the phone slipping from my grip and clattering to the floor.

I closed my eyes as the Dalek pointed his zappy thing at me before it yelled. "Exterminate!"


There was a long pause after the Dalek had yelled 'Exterminate!' in its scary robotic voice thing and I had felt... nothing? Huh I always though death would be more...painful? I don't know just not like this I guess. This was boring, I felt like I hadn't moved like I hadn't even been-


I opened my eyes to find myself still in the same corridor with the Dalek in front of me. So I'm still alive then. Well that makes sense. "Well are you going to kill me or not then?" I asked, rudely. Oh god I've turned into the Doctor. "Why're you doing this?"

"I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose." It replied.

"They're all dead because of you." My voice broke, giving away the fact that I was scared.

"They are dead because of us." It corrected. What?

"Well then what're you waiting for?"

"I feel your fear." The Dalek stated.

I snorted. Was this thing serious? Of course I was afraid. "What do you expect?"

"Daleks do not fear. Must not fear." It started to freak out, shooting at either side of the massive metal door behind me. "You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated."

It then turned to the security camera thing turning it on so that I could see the Doctor standing in the office room yelling at Adam and Rose "You were quick on your feet, leaving Nina behind. She's only 16 you know, and now she's-"he cut himself off.

"I'm not the one who sealed the vault!" Adam replied.

The Dalek decided to interrupt their little squabble. "Open the bulkhead or Nina Gibbons dies."

The Doctor turned to face us on the screen "You're alive!" he smiled brightly at me.

"Can't believe you ever doubted it." I grinned back at him.

His smiled faded "I thought you were dead."

I went to reply but was cut off by the Dalek demanding "Open the bulkhead!"

I turned back to the screen "Don't do it!"

"What use are emotions if you will not save one of the women you love?" he asked.

The Doctor turned to the others "I killed her once. I can't do it again." And with that the metal door started to open so I followed the Dalek through, because really, what else could I do?


The Dalek and I made our way into an lift, going up to the top level where the office was. "I'm begging you, don't kill them. You didn't kill me." I tried.

The Dalek twisted its eye stalk towards me "But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I?"

The doors opened and I turned to Van Statten and that lady who were the only ones in the room. "Don't move. Don't do anything. It's beginning to question itself."

"Van Statten." The Dalek rolled over to him causing him to stumble backwards. "You tortured me. Why?"

"I wanted to help you. I just, I don't know. I was trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you, if we could mend you. I wanted you better. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk! "Van Statten pleaded, backed up against the wall now. I watched as he sweat.

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