World War Three: Fly on the Wall

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I moved my attention over to Rose who was still looking at her phone "It's Mickey."

"Sports channel kid!" I giggled.

"Tell your stupid boyfriend we're busy!" the Doctor sighed.

"Yeah, he's not so stupid after all," she commented before turning her phone around to show us the picture of a Slitheen being electrocuted.


"Is she alright though? Don't put her on, just tell me-" Rose said once she had listened to Mikey go on about the attack.

The Doctor, obviously having enough of the 'domestic complications' as he liked to call it, grabbed the phone out of her hand. "Is that Rickey? Don't talk just shut up and go to your computer," the Doctor, the king of empathy. There was a pause before he rolled his eyes and said "Micky the idiot, I might just choke before I finish this sentence, but, uh, I need you." This caused me and Rose to grin at each other broadly.


"It says password," Mickey said through the speaker. As The Doctor, Rose and I crouched around it.

"Say again." The Doctor ordered once he had plugged the phone in.

"It's asking for the password."

"Buffalo, two f's one l," he replied quickly

"All the secret information known to man," Mickey replied to someone, obviously Jackie, "See, they've known about aliens for years they just kept us in the dark,"

"Mickey you were born in the dark," The Doctor stated, causing me to smack him on the shoulder, which he, by the way, completely ignored. Rude or what.

"Thank you," Mickey replied, completely sarcastically. "Password again."

"Just keep repeating it every time," The Doctor walked around to the other side of the table. "Big Ben, why did the Slitheen hit Big Ben?"

"You said to gather the experts," Harriet said, handing drinks to both Rose and the Doctor. Wow I feel excluded. "To kill them."

"That lot would have gathered for a weather balloon, you don't need to crash-land in the middle of London." The Doctor dismissed.

"Slitheen are hiding," Rose stated. "But then they put the whole planet on red alert, what would they do that for?"

"Oh listen to her," Jackie moaned.

"Well at least I'm trying!" Rose protested.

"Well I've got a question, if you don't mind, since that man walked into our lives, I have been attacked in the streets, I have had creatures from the pits of hell in my own living room, and my own daughter disappeared off the face of the Earth."

Rose sighed, exasperated "I've told you what happened,"

"I'm talking to him! 'Cause I've seen this life of yours Doctor, and maybe you get off on it, and maybe you think it's all clever and smart but you tell me, just answer me this, is my daughter safe,"

"I'm fine," Rose protested, but I was looking at the Doctor who was staring at the speaker with a hard look on his face.

"Is she safe?" Jackie stressed. "Will she always be safe? Can you promise me that?" The Doctor looked up to Rose who just looked back at him. Oh dear, this was intense. "Well? What's the answer?"

"We're in," Mickey said breaking the silence.

This caused the Doctor to break into action. "Now then, on the left at the top there is a tap, an icon, a little thing of circles. Click on that."

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