The Long Game: Floor 500

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"So, it's two hundred thousand," The Doctor started to explain Rose and I followed him out of the TARDIS, Adam still inside. "And it's a spaceship. No, wait a minute, space station, and er, go and try that gate over there. Off you go."

"Two hundred thousand?" Rose verified.

"Two hundred thousand." He stated.

Rose nodded "Right." Before turning towards the doors of the TARDIS, opening them." Adam? Out you come."

Adam, after a moment's hesitation exits the ship, his jaw dropping. "Oh, my God."

"Don't worry," I grinned at him. "You'll get used to it."

"Where are we?" he asked, still in awe.

Rose smiled at him "Good question! Let's see. So, er, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen-"

"Yeah." Adam answered, showing that he was listening, but obviously still overwhelmed.

"Engines." I put in. "We're on some sort of space station." I winked at the Doctor who just rolled his eyes at me.

Rose nodded "Yeah, definitely a space station. It's a bit warm in here. They could turn the heating down. Tell you what - let's try that gate. Come on!" she led us through the metal gate thing where there was a massive viewing window where what was obviously an older version of the earth, was visible.

"Here we go! And this is...I'll let the Doctor describe it." Rose said, looking over to the Doctor.

"The Fourth great and bountiful Human Empire!" The Doctor started. "And there it is, planet Earth at it's height. Covered with mega-cities, five moons, population ninety six billion. The hub of a galactic domain stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle." Oh how he loved to show off.

The Doctor was cut off by a large thump from behind us, signalling that Adam had fainted.

"He's your boyfriend." The Doctor stated to Rose.

I snorted, holding back a laugh. "Not anymore."

I could feel that this trip would be quite interesting.


We entered a new area of the space station that was quite larger than the other but still no sign of anyone aboard.

"Come on, Adam." The Doctor clasped him on the shoulder. "Open your mind. You're going to like this. Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners."

As soon as he said that a youngish man pushed past us. "Out of the way!"

Suddenly, as if coming out of nowhere, loads of people entered the area, bustling around, and opening up food vending stations and serving customers that had appeared at their counters. Yeah exactly as the Doctor had described. Note the sarcasm.

"Thank you very much indeed...Somebody there?...That's great...What do you want, love?...All right, keep moving....I'll be with you lot in a minute...Here you are...One at a time...What now, what was it?...Kronkburger with cheese, kronkburger with pajatos. Do you want a drink?...Oi, you, mate. Stop pushing. Get back. I said, back!" A man behind the counter started shouting at the people lined up outside his food station.

"Fine cuisine?" Rose asked, quirking her eyebrow at him.

"My watch must be wrong." He replied, confused, looking down at his watch. "No, it's fine. It's weird."

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