Dalek: I Was A Little Bit Slow, Sorry

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So it had been a few days since I had joined the Doctor and Rose on the TARDIS and so far it had been, well, G, yeah it was that awesome, although, my choice of location was sidelined when the TARDIS pin pointed itself on some signal and the Doctor being the nerdy brain-box man he is got distracted by this and has spent the past few days trying to find where, and when it was transmitting from.

So really we had been nowhere yet.

BUT. I did get my very own room on the TARDIS. Yeah be jealous. And it has a walk in closet. This spaceship had fabulous taste as well.

"I FOUND IT." The Doctor yelled causing me to jump from my spot on the captain's chair next to Rose.

We both watched as he raced around the console pressing buttons and flipping switches and whatnot. He grinned at us when we finally landed.

"So what is it? What's wrong?" Rose asked as we exited the TARDIS into what looked like a museum.

"Don't know." The Doctor replied. "Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course."

"Where are we?" I asked excitedly "Or like when are we?"

"Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

My face turned into a frown. America? That's not exciting. "That's lame... wait, what year is it? Is it like the 50th century or something cool like that?"

"Two thousand and twelve." He said in the same tone walking over to look at one of the display cases.

Of course I'd get something lame my first go.

"God, that's so close." Rose commented. "So I should be 26."

"Oh dear god that would mean I would be 23," I stated in horror. "That's bloody old."

"Oi, I'm 900 years old and you think 23 is old?" The Doctor replied, offended.

"Sorry, Grandpa," I said, dryly, causing him to turn and glare at me before turning back, finding a light switch.

He flicked it on, causing all the things in the cases to light up.

"Blimey. It's a great big museum." Rose commented, astounded.

"An alien museum." The Doctor informed us. "Someone's got a hobby. They must have spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust. That's the milometer from the Roswell spaceship."

I looked around at all the strange pieces of things, chunks of metal, rock and- "That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm and it's been stuffed. Gross" I said when the familiar green looking thing entered my vision.

"Oh, look at you." I heard the Doctor say from across the room. I walked over to where the Doctor and Rose were standing in front of a metal head shaped thing.

"What is it?" Rose asked.

"An old friend of mine... Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old."

"Told you, you were old, mate." I replied, patting him on the shoulder.

"Oh, shut it you." He glared at me, causing me to grin and stick my tongue out at him in response.

"Is that where the signal's coming from?" Rose asked, ignoring our bantering as she had learned to do over the past couple of days.

"No, it's stone dead." He answered "The signals alive. Something's reaching out...calling for help." The Doctor put his hand out, touching the case where the weird head thing was, causing an alarm to ring out. My eyes widened as we turned to rush back into the TARDIS, but it was quickly blocked off by guards. Who, by the way, were carrying very large guns.

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