The Long Game: Not-So Gold Walls

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"But you've never been to another floor? Not even one floor down?" The Doctor persisted, sitting down on the head thing chair.

Cathica just shrugged. "I went to floor sixteen when I first arrived. That's medical. That's when I got my head done, and then I came straight here. Satellite Five, you work, eat and sleep on the same floor. That's it, that's all...You're not management, are you?"

I just shrugged, smiling at her while the Doctor said, sarcastically "At last. She's clever." Which made me roll my eyes at him. This man really needed to get really drunk or something... That's it! Nina Mission One: Get the Doctor mind-boggling drunk.

"Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything." Cathica huffed.

"Don't you even ask?" I asked, leaning on the side of the chair.

"Well, why would I?"

"You're a journalist." The Doctor answered. "Why's all the crew human?"

"What's that got to do with anything?" she said, confused.

"There's no aliens on board. Why?"

She just shrugged "I don't know. No real reason. They're not banned or anything."

"Then where are they?" I raised an eye brow. Well I would have, if I could that is. So it was more that I attempted to raise an eyebrow.

"I suppose immigration's tightened up." She defended. "It's had to, what with all the threats."

"What threats?" The Doctor asked at the same time as I said "Threats?" causing us to glace at each other quickly. This wasn't the first time today we had spoken together, and it was getting kind of weird.

"I don't know all of them. Usual stuff. And the price of space warp doubled so that kept the visitors away. Oh, and the government on Chavic Five's collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, you see. Just lots of little reasons, that's all."

"Adding up to one great big fact, and you didn't even notice." The Doctor rose his eye brow. Damn even he could do it.

"Doctor, I think if there was any kind of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything." Cathica explained

"I can see better." Oh how modest you are Doctor. "This society's the wrong shape, even the technology."

"It's cutting edge!" she protested.

"It's backwards. There's a great big door in your head. You should've chucked this out years ago."

"So, what do you think's going on?" Rose asked the Doctor, joining the conversation.

"It's not just this space station, it's the whole attitude. It's the way people think. The great and bountiful Human Empire's stunted. Something's holding it back." The Doctor explained.

"And how would you know?" Cathica asked, obviously getting slightly frustrated.

"Trust me," the Doctor gave her a look. "Humanity's been set back about ninety years. When did Satellite Five start broadcasting?"

"...Ninety one years ago."


We crowded around The Doctor as pulled out his sonic screw driver. "Oh!" I clapped excitedly, causing the Doctor to jump slightly and look over at me.


I pointed at the sonic "Can I do it? Pleasee!" I pouted at him.

He rolled his eyes before handing it over to me "Go on then, flip the switch and point it at the lock."

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