I make my way through the darkness, carefully stepping over books that are strewn all over my floor, trying to evade sleep as it threatens to pull me under once again.

I tap the cool screen when I reach the charging station, and it lights up, blinding me for a second.

As the dots disappear, I glance at the bright screen, reading the notification that I received an email.

At 2:30 in the morning?

I debated whether or not I should read it, I really wanted to go back to sleep, but finally I decided that if someone got up to send it at 2:30 in the morning, it was worth being read.

My eyes widen as I read, and I'm very glad I opened this up.

It was worth it.


Hey, I know you're probably asleep and I won't get a reply until late, which is fine I guess...

I can't sleep, and I wanted to talk to you. Being alone does that to you sometimes.

But you probably are asleep, so I guess I'll just leave now...


The email was short, but something was off. I could feel it, so I typed my reply as fast as I could.


Never, ever be afraid of waking me up, even if it is just to talk.

I deleted that and tried again. It just sounded too embarrassing.


I'm awake, no worries.

What's up? I can tell something is wrong, so don't deny it.

Do you need anything?


Her reply is almost instantaneous from me pressing the send button.


I would really like to see you, I just don't want to be alone right now.

I know it's almost 3am, sorry for waking you up by the way, I just...

I can't. I'm so tired of being alone, on today of all days.

Would you mind driving down here? You don't have too. It would mean the world to me if you did, though.


I reply, then shut my phone off and jump into the car after throwing on some more presentable clothes than just my trousers, speeding off to Bella's house after she emails me her address.

Along the way, one question is swirling around in my mind, even as I pull up into her driveway a few hours later.

What did she mean, by on today of all days?

I turn the car off, the familiar purr of the engine quieting down until it's completely silent, and I sit, in the dark, surveying my surroundings.

Before me stands a small, two story house. It's Bella's, I know, for starters her last name is engraved in the mailbox beside my car, written in fluid script I can barely see, another reason is I dropped her off here two weeks ago - is that even right? It's feels like forever ago - from our meeting at La Bella Italia.

The neighborhood is quiet, the nearest house is a good distance away, which means Bella gets her privacy, but I had a sneaking suspicion if something were to go wrong, her pleas for help would go unnoticed. 

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