Chapter 45

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"Then we'll have to do something unexpected." Says Len, his triple bladed sword laying across the knees in the single form. A quiet music begins playing in the garden on the other side of the wall, and I grit my teeth.

"Like what?"

"It's only you and me, they'll expect us to stick together." He says, and I frown.

"What're you saying?"

"If I go in there, and distract them, it'll give you the chance to go save Leila. And;" He gulps. "Do what needs to be done, if you get the chance."

My eyes widen. "You won't make it out alive if you do that. You can't."

"I can." He says, staring straight ahead, refusing to meet my eyes. "I'll-"

"No." I say, "You won't. We won't even entertain the idea. We go in there together, and we get out together." I grit my teeth, squeezing my eyes shut. "I can't do this alone." I turn, looking up at him and touch his chin, forcing him to turn towards me and look me in the eyes. "I need your help."

Len purses his lips, but nods, closing his eyes in defeat. I nod, satisfied I've won the argument, and stand; placing my hand on the wall. "When we're in, you find the Queen; she'll probably be-" I gulp. "Prepping the new bride. I'm going to find something, I'll meet you in the gardens on the other side of this wall, judging by the music, the wedding won't be too far from here."

Len nods, glaring at his feet; and stands stiffly. "If that's what you want to do."

I let out a sigh, taking his face in my hands, and making him look at me again. "It's going to be fine. You'll see." I turn; reaching out towards the wall, and he lets out a sigh behind me.

"I've made up my mind Len." I say, pursing my lips. My hand touches the stone, and using the technique that the voice in my head taught me, it begins to sink through. I watch it carefully, I don't want to end up like the werewolf in that wall in the castle, nothing but a finger left.

"I know." There's a hand on my shoulder, and I turn slightly. His face is sad, and Len leans forwards, pressing his forehead to mine. "Promise me you'll make it out of this alive?"

"Only if you do too."

Len's lips twitch into a half smile, "That's what I'm hoping for."

"Good." I smile, turning back to the wall and take his hand. "Lets go."


My footsteps sound empty in the halls, they're all but abandoned, strangely enough. I haven't seen any servants at all, when before I thought I would have to pretend to be one to get anywhere at all. Maybe they're all outside, from the sounds of the music I'm guessing that the wedding itself is out there.

Len is off to find the Queen, and hopefully Leila; before it's too late. I don't know what the cloaked man's objectives are, whether he's the King or not, but forcing a marriage between Tran and Leila-I shiver, forcing my steps to slow down, I'm making too much noise.

The sounds don't stop, my blood runs cold, and I dart behind a tapestry just as they round the corner. There is the sound of clanking armor on the tiles, guards maybe? But which kind? It sounds like more than one man, maybe even the entire guard.

They continue down the hall, and I peek around the tapestry just as the last one rounds the corner to see the gleaming red and black colors. The special guard then, they're expecting us to try something. I go back behind the tapestry again, pushing open one of the doors to the servant's halls open.

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