There's been no sign of them since she was born, nothing.

It has to be Gale though and that kind of hurts me.

I get up out of bed and peak at her.

She's just laying there, looking up at the ceiling.

I quickly change my clothes, while Willow is still content with herself.

I dress and scoop her up into my arms and walk across the hallway to her bedroom.

I sit in the chair with her in my arms.

"Good morning, baby girl." I smile tiredly at her.

She blinks her blue eyes at me.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her, seeing she's chewing on her little fingers.

"We better get you fed before you get mad and wake Daddy up, huh?" I say.

I feed her and she falls back asleep and I'm very tempted to do the same but I can't.

I lay her in her crib and gather up the dirty laundry that's accumulated the past few days, which is not too many things thankfully.

I pull out some new clothes, a pair of socks and hand mittens and change her diaper. Then I redress her.

Luckily, she doesn't seem bothered a bit by it.

I haven't had much time to play dress up with her yet but I'm sure I'll do it soon. She has a ton of frilly girly dresses that are pretty cute and lots of other adorable clothes, but I've just been keeping her in simple outfits. When Peeta dresses her, he goes all out. He even puts little headbands on her because he says if not, people may think she's a boy since I don't have her much pink.

"Okay, Mommy is going to go downstairs and do a few things. I'll be back soon to get you." I tell my sleeping baby and close her bedroom door, leaving it open just a hair.

I peak into our bedroom and see Peeta is still passed out and probably will be for awhile. I go downstairs with dirty laundry in my arms and go put it in the washer along with Peeta and I's clothes.

I go do some dishes from last nights dinner and then go grab the mail. There's tons of cards for or about Willow, all congratulating us.

I find a few bills and some letters for Peeta that concern his bakery we are to begin working on soon.

The Odair's sent us a card. Well, Finnick's parents. They want to come over soon to meet Willow and I honestly, I can't wait for them to.

Mrs. Odair has played the role of my mother again the last few months as she had years and years before and I'm honestly glad.

She's been a better mother to me my whole life than my mother.

Bristol is going to be bringing Carter to meet Willow soon too, same for Finn.

Maybe we can have Finnick and his parents over the same night.

I sit on the couch and let out a long sigh as I realize how truly tired I am.

I could go get Willow and bring her down with me. Or I could wake Peeta up or go back to bed with him but I decide that not moving a muscle until I have to is the way to go.

I flip the television on and start watching some stupid show.

After a while, I go to the kitchen and find my breast pump, maybe this way I can get a little more sleep.

I hook the weird, uncomfortable contraption up and watch tv while I boobs get sucked by a machine.

It's weird and it's gross but if it lets me get more sleep, I can't really complain.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now