Chapter 19~ Just A Mistake

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Later that day

(11 am)

Emily's P.O.V

Zayn and I cuddled all morning and watched tv. The other lads left around ten thirty to pick up Carlie and Harry from the hospital. Zayn and I were on the couch when the lads and Carlie walked in.

"Harry's back," I say happily as I jump off the couch and run into the foyer where Harry, Carlie and the other lads were taking of their shoes.

"Harry I'm so glad your home,"I say hugging him tight. I was so happy to to have my city headed brother back, even though he had only been at the hospital I had missed him he and I are so close we even fight like brother and sister but he also protected me and I protected him too.

"Hey there Em," he laughs hoarsely as he hugs me back. "I thought you had horrid cramps and that you couldn't move, but just now you came running in her," he says smiling.

"I took some pills earlier and Zayn and I have been relaxing all day and I'm feeling much better, plus my Hazz bear is home you don't know how much I worried about you last night," I smiled hugging him.

"It didn't seem like you were worrying much when you were feeling me up in the van and giving me a blow job when we got home," Zayn chuckles as he walks in the room and stands behind me.

"Zayn Malik if you want me to be willing to have sex with you in a few days when I'm feeling better I suggest you apologize," I say releasing Harry from my hug and going back over to Zayn taking his hand and intertwining my fingers in his.

"Woah tmi," both Harry and Carlie exclaim at the same time.

"Sorry," Zayn says smirking.

"Oh my god Carlie I totally forgot you were here," I exclaimed and I dragged Zayn over to Carlie and gave her a one armed hug.

"It's ok you should be able to be distracted when your brother just gets home from the hospital,"she laughs as she hugs me.

"C'mon lets go sit down and chat in the living room," I say walking over to Harry and taking his hand accidentally hitting the bandage on his wrist making him flinch a little.

"I'm sorry Hazz it was an accident," I say hurriedly.

"It's ok Em," he says smiling hugging me.

We get into the den Zayn and I go and sit on one couch along with Harry I sit close to Zayn letting Harry lay his head in my lap. Carlie goes and sits with Niall and Liam and Louis sit together. The lads and I catch up with Carlie , it's been a while since we talked so it was nice to catch up with each other, Zayn tells her the plans for the rest of the week before we go to Holmes Chapel to visit Harry's mum and dad. I sit there with Harry's head in my lap, I start to play with his hair twirling it in my fingers. He's been asleep for about twenty minutes and I didn't want to wake him he needs his rest and regain his energy. I stare at him in awe, in a way he was like a baby brother to me because I always felt like I had to protect him but he always was there for me when Zayn and I got into fights he was always there for me to cry to, but now it was my turn to protect him and help him recover. My poor Hazz he's so innocent and caring and he really needs someone to be there for him to help him to listen to him and that person is me and possibly Carlie.


It's been three days since Carlie got here and since Harry came home from the hospital and he's doing so much better he's still pretty weak but he's up and moving around. As for me I'm feeling amazing I'm back to normal Danielle and Eleanor stopped over to see Harry and also Carlie. Right now I'm home alone with Harry, Carlie and the other boys went out for the day the lads wanted to show her around London. When Zayn insisted that he stay with me I told him that I'd be fine here and that he should have fun, not that I don't love having him with me all the time but he needs to spend time with his band mates too.

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